I would like to point out a few things in your post to clarify for - TopicsExpress


I would like to point out a few things in your post to clarify for yourself and other injured workers. Basically the WSIB/WCB was created to murder the cripples by neglect. It is called eugenics. They use their harmful policies and procedures and break the law without so much as batting an eye. You see to them you are now a liability on society. Useless. A burden. That is their thinking. They also dont want to pay the wage loss and medical care they say they are supposed too. What they do to us is called Purposeful Neglect. The criminal activity of the Workers Compensation Boards is instigated and coordinated by government officials. When you accept workers compensation insurance did they tell you your medical rights and protections under the Canada Health Act would be taken from you? Did they tell you your legal rights would be taken from you? No of course not. No one in their right mind would give up those rights, especially considering we were working and paying taxes for health care, especially since no one since Hitler removed the rights of the disabled. Character assassination is part of their scheme. It is designed to anger and depress you. Basically the whole system is designed to identify the disabled and if they are, then the appeals start. Have you ever heard of soneone with minor injuries or those that last a few months but recover ever having to file and appeal? No you havent and neither has anyone else. It is ONLY the disabled they forced into appeals. Fact is if they just give us the money promised we could get well and back to work on our own. Most of us. This is what makes the whole system so bad. They put a disabled label on us and automatically try to abuse us to death. Character assassination, bullying, intimidation, fear, it is all a very well crafted scheme. But dont blame WCBs. This is 100% the governments fault. They are 100% responsible. It is they who excluded us from the Canada Health Act. It is they who stole our legal rights. It is they who do not subject WCBs to the Insurance Act and the Pension Benefits Act. It is they who order all our police forces not to take complaints of serious crimes including slander, fraud, theft, torture, and other crimes that are too numerous to mention. To sum up, if any Canadian gets hurt at work, even criminal negligence by the company, and accepts Workers Compensation Insurance, then their lives will be at risk and many will die from this purposeful neglect. That is what they want, the rest of us still living this nightmare of abuse in misery being passed around from government agent to government agent trying to get enough money to put a roof over our heads and eat never mind getting compensation and getting well enough to return to the workforce. We have a bunch of Nazis running government. All political parties traumatizing, tormenting, terrorizing, and torturing injured workers to death or forced to live their lives in poverty on welfare. The Crown and their agencies, welfare, health agencies, police are the guilty parties in all of this.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:54:01 +0000

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