I would like to remind CSEA that Mr. Greenwood was overwhelming - TopicsExpress


I would like to remind CSEA that Mr. Greenwood was overwhelming placed into office as President by chapter 183 by the members. He is not above scrutiny or criticism by the people. That being said, he has only been in office for a few weeks! Some of his executive board have been plotting against him instead of worrying about their prospective jobs! We dont need some dumb asses from above telling this chapter what to do or targeting people with blame when they have just barley started their term in office, especially until the CSEA brass, looks at all their own mistakes. Anything CSEA does will just further help border line members decide to rid their selves of a ever growing problem! I hear past President Clark will be heading down to these parts of the woods and I cant wait to see that dumb ass try and tell anyone in chapter 183 anything! I would remind him that he is not a member of that chapter and will be shut down if he interferes with the members and he can bank on that! Carolyn Everett from Area H and Rameldia Mark from Area D can also step in line to kiss me arse! I really wish you would try and take out a new elected President overwhelmingly supported by the members or try and take over stewardship of chapter 183. That would put all the members just about, on our side! I know none of the CSEA suck ups will ever come and tell me crap to my face, So just keep talking about yours truly behind my back! At least I have the guts to say things in a open opinion blog while the CSEA hit men stay in the shadows! Its funny that a Union that is paid for by us and that is here to support us, has such a problem with people speaking out to things they object to. Perhaps some dont like our constitutional rights of free speech. This Gulf War Army Vet could give a damn! Any of these people are free to post as they like here or counter any other persons opinions should they so desire. I would only encourage them not to be cowards and say what they like about me or anyone else in the open!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:57:13 +0000

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