I would like to send a heartfelt apology out to all of my friends - TopicsExpress


I would like to send a heartfelt apology out to all of my friends on here who are witness to the ongoing battle between us and others. I know it is upsetting for some of you to see and especially for those who have got caught up in it in anyway, Those who know us are fully aware of what has been going on the past few months.You will have seen the character assassination, the jokes, insults and stirring aimed at me and Pete. You will I hope have also seen that for the most part we have kept quiet and tried not to be provoked. This whole ordeal has had a devastating effect on our health both mental and physical, our relationship and our enjoyment of being members of the UKC. We can only take so much though and recent events have pushed us over the edge and into retaliating at last against the people who have caused all this hurt and injury. I am not a nasty person, I shy away from trouble. I have been bullied all my life in some shape or form and as a result I became insecure, didnt trust anyone, couldnt make friends etc. Then I joined the club. I met some great people and made some great friends and my confidence grew and I started to enjoy life again, looking forward to events and chatting to people.But then the bullies stepped in and spoiled it. I have over the last few months continued to go to events, putting on a brave face but dreading every one because of the elements that would try and spoil it for us. I have cried, I have been a nervous wreck over threats made towards us and had started to revert back to not trusting anyone again. But now thanks to the support of some very good friends who are as appalled and fed up of the bullying as much as we are, I have decided to fight back and not let the bullies win. And if some of the comments made by myself and Pete appear nasty and personal, then it is because we are fighting back in the way that we have been bullied. It seems its the only language they understand. Forgive us....
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 10:12:35 +0000

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