I would like to send out a heart felt THANK YOU to all of you. - TopicsExpress


I would like to send out a heart felt THANK YOU to all of you. Thanks for the birthday wishes and prayers lifted in my behalf (and my families) This has been a most difficult time and will continue to be so for a while. I have often wondered how many friends I still had after moving to Arkansas from Ms. It is comforting to know that Im not forgotten. I also know some of you have prayed for me while I was wandering in the wilderness and away from anything to do with the church. Several years ago I went through a period of soul searching and made a determination to ask God to forgive me for my rebellion and to restore the joy of my salvation. He was faithful and after joining a church here have been welcomed into this church family with open arms. He has even allowed me to be of some use in his service by leading the music each Sunday. Having turned my face away from God before I can fully understand how people do so. The WORLD is calling and it has an enticing story to tell…BUT…there is NO peace there. Gods Word is far more to me than a story passed down from my parents. It is pure unfiltered TRUTH and I will hold to it firmly. There are MANY people hurting in this world, many possibly reading this. Pray for each other, lift each other up regularly, encourage one another daily, share what the Lord has done for you so others may be encouraged. I still covet your prayer for myself, my family and even more so for Karli. I lost a son, she lost her chosen life partner and her perceived future. Thank you all again…….
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 03:13:43 +0000

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