I would like to share a recent experience with you all. I am a - TopicsExpress


I would like to share a recent experience with you all. I am a very positive person and therefore I live a very happy and positive life. I see rainbows everywhere, quite literally sometimes. Of course I see the negativity but because it has no power in my reality, it is something to be observed not something which has any effect on my reality. However recently, (for reasons that are too long to go into here) I let the negativity in and fed it. INSTANTLY my reality changed, I was getting into confrontations with other drivers, problems and issues were springing up at work, even my home life became disrupted; everyone seemed angry and ready to have a go at me. This affected me greatly, my heart would race, it has been a long time since I have firstly attracted this much negativity and secondly that I reacted to it. Although I didn’t get into an argument, my body physically and emotionally reacted to it. The change in my reality was incredible; it was like I had flipped a switch from light to dark. I felt like I was a beacon for negativity and I felt vulnerable and exposed, the complete opposite of how I usually feel. I could feel other people’s energy coming into mine and lingering there, it was pretty wretched, I felt as though I was being punched in the face all day with one problem after another, I then had issues on the journey home and then the moment I got through the door. Reflecting back on the day I could see how I was generating this energy and how seductive it was, how easy it is to make this snowball. At any point I could have stepped back and said ok what is going on here? I could have taken 5 and done some deep breathing and quick processing. I have tools coming out of my ears to deal with this yet I chose to let the energy build, to react by getting angry about issues or upset by confrontations. There is something a little intoxicating about the anger response energy, you get that rush. I haven’t had that for some time so maybe that was some of it too but then the adrenalin crash made me feel physically awful. So I spent the next few days, meditating and cleansing. Processing the initial hook and also the issues that attached themselves as the negativity grew. It was a sharp reminder of the maintenance necessary and the importance of being consciously aware in the now to lead a positive happy and purposeful life. Yet it was also another great opportunity to clear hooks and baggage, this hook for me was deep on the physical level and maybe I needed to be immersed in the 3d to trigger it, whatever the reason, it is gone so all is good. Once I brought everything back into balance again, the flip switched back, as quickly as that. To be able to experience that was an amazing blessing. It is a great reminder of how my life used to be and I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I was able to see the switch and flip it. It was also great to be shown how we really are the ones that decide whether the switch is up or down. Have a wonderful evening or day wherever you are, lots of love and laughter Michele xxxxxxx
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 19:47:46 +0000

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