I would like to share my drum story here. I would like it to - TopicsExpress


I would like to share my drum story here. I would like it to remain only here on this page as it is a very private part of my life. My Drum With utmost concentration he pursed his lips and carefully expelled the air that provided him with another breath of life. Then he passed the death sentence. Acute leukaemia. It came to me, as I sat watching us from a distance, that this was a perfect moment, that in this moment only we two existed, locked inside a bubble of our own creation. Inside this bubble, there is not enough space for tomorrow, yesterday or even doubt. The bubble was perfectly formed for this moment, and it could only contain that much. Two weeks later, following a dream which clearly told me what I had to, I sat in a flight to Pulao Langkawi in Malaysia. My partner and I left angry family members and friends behind. They were certain I would die a terrible death in the jungle. We were collected at the passport control by a beautiful lady. I knew her although I had never seen her. Then we were parachuted into a world monumentally out of whack with that in which we had lived before. Arriving at our hut we were met by children, fowls, a bright yellow and black striped lizard like creature the size of a crocodile and a gang of blue geckos. A crowd of monkeys sat on the porch and the forest was dense, green, hot and breathtakingly loud! A golden skinned man ushered us into this hut. I just fell onto my bed and slept. It was on a Thursday I realized that I was lost. The same issues were confronting me in the same ways and I did not have any answers. My troubles loomed over me, forming deeper and darker shadows on my soul. From deep within I could feel a cry for relief building, a cry for clarity, a need for direction, I got up and started walking. In the heat of the day, as the air shimmered with possibilities, I found this golden man sharing my path, and for a while, my load. Handing me a drum and a large green leaf, he laughed and left. As the path got steeper and my muscles got weaker, my mind seemingly made space for a revelation ahead. I seemed to walk an inner trail of preparation. With fatigue and hunger came a conviction that I would find what it was I needed. I did not stop to satisfy my hunger, I did not stop to ease the pain; I embraced the discomfort and focused all on the goal worth striving for, the solution at the end of the way. Only the lizard saw my arrival at a circle in the forest, it saw me prostrate myself, raising my hands in plea to the heavens, fully trusting in the presence of the solution. I took the big green leaf and bit into a juicy explosion of taste. Hunger, thirst and fatigue disappeared. I felt the strong presence of the drum now. The lizard had come very close and stared at me as if he knew me, could read me. With my foot on a trunk, looking out on creation, I found a rhythm in my heart. When I saw the order of creation around me, the trees with their arms stretched out to where all energy originates, I could not contain the beat any longer. With my head thrown back I felt the vibration of the universe resonating in my lungs and force their way through my veins to be drummed to all creation. I drummed my song of individuality, the song I was meant to sing. The drum told of creation, of order, it told of love that holds all together and gives meaning to all. The sound travelled through the forest and recognizing the resonance of the universe in my drum, the world echoed it back with amplified force. Peace found me there. As the sun drove the haze from the air, I found deep healing. I made my way back, closely followed by the lizard. There were no shadows to be found, there was no indecision, no falter, and my step was free. The golden man, I found out, was a Dine from the nation popularly known as the Navajo. From the first day to this, he appears to me when I need healing. He restores the balance in all through my healing drum he gifted me. I participated in a complex ritual with him which lasted several days. This included many participants singing, storytelling and creating a sand painting, May it be beautiful (balanced) before me May it be beautiful (balanced) behind me May it be beautiful (balanced) below me May it be beautiful (balanced) above me May it be beautiful (balanced) all around me In beauty it is finished Upon returning the illness was gone. Nobody could understand why. My partner and I remained silent. My holy drum is with me.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:47:04 +0000

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