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I would like to share this with my friends on Face book. Please read below and if you agree with me, please like it. A wake up call by Euisa Altman I am an artist and a nature lover. I enjoy the summers and the changes that it brings in nature. I have always tried to learn the names of all the trees, bushes and flowers everywhere I go. And I recognize the species of birds that come to our bird bath and bird feeder. I like to pay attention to the comings and goings of all living things that show up during the different seasons of the year. However, I have noticed that for the last three years, I have not seen the yellow jackets that in the past swarmed around our grape vines and pestered us at the picnic table. I have also noticed that the bumblebees are no longer swarming our garden, as they did in the past. The beautiful lightening bugs blinking like stars in the night are now very few. So few indeed, that I have counted them on the fingers of one hand. Last night I couldn’t see a single lightening bug. That worries me a lot. For years now I have not seen a single frog anywhere in our garden or in parks and wooded areas. I assume that the birds are eating the frogs as well as the bugs. I have been observing that the birds are hungry! They have been eating our fruits and flowers alike. Do you know why the birds are so hungry? Well, I’ll tell you why, zoning has destroyed too many wooded areas together with the wild berries and fruit trees that provided food and shelter for the birds and other animals. This is what is happening in most places for well over a hundred years. Unfortunately when someone decides to plant a tree, most homes and business choose ornamental trees instead of fruit trees and bushes. No one seems concerned about providing food for the birds. In Florida, for instance, in certain areas, zoning has banned fruit trees. Anyone who dares to plant a fruit tree is breaking the law and the authorities responsible for zoning, will come and cut down your tree. I call such law, mismanagement and I also blame the people who blindingly obey these laws without questioning the repercussions it will cause in nature. Some people are letting themselves being led like little lambs to the slaughter. I know I am a dreamer and I am also naïve thinking that I can make a difference by point out the obvious to you. But I believe that when something happen in such large scale, such as urbanization or suburban growth, together with the building of large shopping malls and parking lots, that something else must give. The latest thing now is the destruction of wooded areas for the building of solar panels. Now think really hard about the greed of so many people who are eager to jump at the opportunity and approve such crazy, totally insane idea of having solar plants in every available land in your state. Do you know what this new insidiousness will cost the environment? We all must wake up and take a good look around us. You out there with your eyes glued to your IPod texting, take some time off and look around you. Take a good look at nature and see if you can agree with me about these great changes that are gradually happening around you, robing nature of its precious creatures.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 14:20:10 +0000

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