I would like to share what happened to myself and Frankie and Lola - TopicsExpress


I would like to share what happened to myself and Frankie and Lola this evening at the park. The doggies and I had a nice walk and were sitting on the grass away from other people just enjoying the moment and minding our own business. Frankie and Lola were both on their leashes, as this is a regular park not an off-leash dog park. There are signs that state that dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. We are sitting there and in the distance we see a couple with a Bulldog that is running loose without its leash on. My dogs were keeping an eye on him and everything seemed okay since we were some distance from him. All of a sudden the Bulldog spotted us and came running across the grass over to us. Now my little dogs are fine with small dogs, but anything that is bigger than them sends them into a barking and growling frenzy. For a brief second they all kind of stood there and gave each other a quick sniff, then all of a sudden they all went crazy barking and the Bulldog lunged at Frankie. Luckily I was able to throw myself pretty much on top of Frankie covering him with my body, and at the same time I was trying to keep Lola away from the Bulldog with my other arm. This could of been a disaster. Thankfully we didnt get bitten or hurt. The owners came running over and put the leash on their dog saying Oh, my God, hes never done anything like that before!. Well, maybe he has never done something like that before, but he did this evening. And if I hadnt gotten in between him and Frankie there would of been a full on dog fight. So obviously we got up to leave, and the people were saying they were sorry. All nice and good, but I guess my point of writing this is to say to people please keep your dogs leashed if you are in a place that states that dogs must be leashed. It would of killed me if my dogs would of been hurt. Dog owners really do need to act responsibly and keep their dogs under their control. This dog ran up on us in an aggressive manner, not acting like he wanted to play and it was a very scary moment. Knowing how my dogs act around other dogs, I purposely sat away from other people who were there with their dogs. I dont think you can take for granted what your dog may or may not do Anyways, things turned out to be okay, but it is upsetting to realize how bad things could of easily become. Thoughts on this anyone?
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:31:18 +0000

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