I would like to share with you all an email I recently got. I will - TopicsExpress


I would like to share with you all an email I recently got. I will not post the name because Im not sure she wants it out there, but I hope you will take the time to read it: Hi Andy. Or whoever might read this for Andy. Ive wanted to send my story to you all for a little while now. Ive wanted to brag about the store that I go too. And I wanted to just say that while I would have lost the weight without Supplement Superstores, your stuff has made the journey easier and so much tastier. Ive lost about 245 pounds so far. No surgery, no medical assistance. Just food, the gym and your stores. My story is a long one, but the Readers Digest version is, Ive been overweight my entire life. When I hit 29 years old, I was laid off, unable to relocate, took the severance package and I decided if I was going to be unemployed in a recession looking for work, I might as well do something about my weight. My son was 5 at the time and in school. One afternoon I decided to get on my scale. I figured I had hit the 250s and was ready for change. The scale was broke (or so I thought). I was on fire by this point and ran out to Target for a new scale. Only about a mile away, I was back home and stripped down to my undies in the kitchen ready to weigh myself in under 20 minutes. It was January and my only choice was an expensive thing that told me more numbers than I cared to know, and then there was a Biggest Loser $40 scale that went up to 400 lbs. I bought the latter. I stepped on the scale and waited for it to register. I knew it was brand new and could take a minute to go down from the number that stared at me. When it didnt budge, I got off and carefully stepped on again. It said the same thing. Over 25 times I got on and off the scale, but the number never changed from 387.3. I wanted to die. I thought about dying and giving my son to someone else. I got back in my car to go back to Target for sleeping pills. As I sat at the stop light, I could turn right and pull into the Target parking lot. I could go straight through the light and drive the extra mile to my cities rec center. I went straight. For the next year, I changed everything about my life. My food, my friends, exercise. My habits, my patterns. Everything had to change. I couldnt be one of those people who went on a diet, or deprived myself of anything. I knew that if I could all of a sudden, just wake up one day and deprive myself of everything so well, I would have never gotten fat. I finally realized I didnt have a food problem, I had a me problem and I had to learn life. Ive had some stuff. 3 years with an abuse man addicted to crack. Homeless. Single mom. Adopted. Brother killed. All kinds of reasons to be a victim. But I wanted something different and I was finally willing to do whatever it took. Not quitting when I wanted too. I remember nights where I would stand in my kitchen at 11:30pm, after a great food choice day, after an intense workout, and I would break down in tears because Id want to just quit and binge. But I had to keep going. Its been a 5 year long journey. I gained over 100 lbs back twice and had to relose them. For the last 2 years Ive taught myself everything I can find about food, my body, how it reacts and responds to food. I research and I dont eat like a fat kid anymore. As of August 4, Ive lost a total of 245 lbs. From 387.3 to 142. The funny thing is, I still eat pizza and ice cream. It wasnt about taking everything away, it was about eating food when it made sense. Eating pizza and ice cream everyday didnt make sense. So it went from telling myself, its not no pizza ever again, to, its just not the best idea for me today. All of that long rant to say thank you. The guys at your South County store are simple AMAZING!!!!! Your passion for people is inspiring. Thank you I received this message today from a very good customer and friend of the company. Oftentimes I get the credit for the things our team does and I honestly do not deserve it. If you ever wonder why I am so passionate and what we do and work focused...the answer is: Its impossible not to be. Working with the team I do day in and day out is the greatest honor I have ever had. I know for a fact that the group would act this way whether they were picking up garbage, pouring concrete, doing what they do now....or anything else on earth. Doing whats right and being a good person at heart is in someones core fiber as a person...and the these guys are the ones who constantly show me how to live and what it means to be a great person...not the other way around. Doing right is just who they are. I constantly find myself at a loss and scratching my head how we assembled the group we have and how the hell I got so lucky to be a part of it. All I do know...is its an amazing thing and one hell of a honor! Love you guys.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 18:25:03 +0000

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