I would like to take a moment to pay respects to Candace Caudell. - TopicsExpress


I would like to take a moment to pay respects to Candace Caudell. She passed away this morning in a losing battle with cancer. She was 35 years old and had a 5 year old son. She used to be my babysitter when I was a toddler and she was in high school and considering what a little bastard I could be thats a fairly demanding and amazing feat to accomplish. When she used to cheer during Blanco football games when I was 3 I used to stand at the gate and cry, proclaiming, I want MY Candace. She would of course make sure to come pick me up after her cheer duties were completed and parade me around the sideline. She was an amazing young girl and turned into an amazing woman and was taken all to soon from us and her family. Cancer awareness is a topic I take extremely serious and have been a strong advocate of for sometime now. It has personally taken many great people from my life and the lives of others that I care about. It can come out of nowhere like it did for a healthy young woman and move so fast that in a 2 week period you can find out you have it, throw a money raising bash at the local BBQ and then be gone in the same breath. I implore those with genetic predispositions and family histories of this horrible scourge to take proper precautions to get screened and tested and for those that dont to eat healthy and exercise to be able to fight off and prevent it as much as possible from ever popping up and gaining traction in your body. Even with proper steps, all too often there is nothing we can do. Some things you can never prepare for, some things you never realize until its too late. That is all the more reason to enjoy every breath you have, every moment this universe gives you on this planet and all the people that come into your life as the gifts they are. Take some time today to call your mom, call your family, your girlfriend, your best friend, anyone who has ever meant something to you because in a split second it can all be gone. Call them and tell them you love them and appreciate them. Do it for that little boy who will never get the chance to tell the same..or hear the same from his mother again. His mother, an amazing babysitter, amazing woman, amazing person, Candace Caudell. Rest in Peace. Enjoy that peace, and we will be with you soon.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:53:56 +0000

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