I would like to take the opportunity to thank some people for - TopicsExpress


I would like to take the opportunity to thank some people for making my career, as well as Saturday night so memorable. First of all, Mayor Hammill and Chief Borden, for giving me that chance back in May of 92 to begin what I would soon realize was the best job in the entire world! To all the guys along the way who helped make it such a great job…and for having my back through everything, the good times and the bad. Eddie Edward Maxon for the great job on the poster Semper Finally you are so artistic and clever! (Also to Heidi for helping) John Geraci, the best MC in the world! You delivered true to form Saturday night, I cant remember ever laughing that much or that hard or feeling so humbled by your occasional kind words. You have been a great friend for many years and have helped me in more ways than you could even realize. Chief McCrobie, for having the faith and confidence in me and for being my good friend long before you became my boss Your speech touched both my funny bone and my heart…You and Geraci should be a comic duo! Mark McManus and Chris Chetney, for sharing your humor and sentiment. We have way more in common than just our careers. Jim Bernys, we have laughed together so many times throughout the years, but none more than we did Saturday night, you were sooooooo funny! Kate from MDA, your speech made me feel both humble and proud. Sibby, for the Prayer before the meal. Vinman Ruggio, for generously providing the musical entertainment for the evening. And last but not least, my family. My mother, Ruth Nearbin Legates, who not only brought me into this world, but taught me so many great things along the way, including hard work, dedication and that taking pride in everything you do pays off in ways that cant even be measured…and also letting me know when the Firefighter test was coming up. I wouldnt even have been a Firefighter if it wasnt for her. My sisters, Barbara Wilson Hayes, Terri Tolbert Terri Wilson, Lou Wilson Forbes, Tanya Wheeler, Duana Wilson Morton and Dolly Wilson Justice, whose pride in me has always made me feel so special. My stepson Gabe, who has the energy of a typical 11 year old but also the compassion of a grown man, you definitely help to keep me young. My beautiful wife Jessica Wilson, for all of the things that you do every day. You continue to give me reasons to laugh, live and love! I am so happy that you came into my life (and decided to stay there) I look forward to each day I get to spend with you…I love you! My most proud accomplishments, my children, Cassandra Clark, my first born, I am so happy you were able to make it home to share this special occasion with me. Gina Marie and Buddy Wilson, although you were not able to make it home for the retirement party, I want you to know that you were right there in my heart, where you always are. You three have been with me through everything, the glory and the grief, the good times and the bad. The unconditional love that we share is what kept me going through it all. Words cannot describe how proud I am of all of you! I believe I am the luckiest Dad in the world! I love you! Thanks to all who helped make the memories in my life and the ones who were able to be there Saturday night to share in those memories! Please do not get offended if I did not mention you by name, I am so grateful for everybody in my life, it would take forever to name each person…and you all know how I hate to ramble on. Thanks again!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 15:52:51 +0000

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