I would like to take the time to share with you a story I wrote in - TopicsExpress


I would like to take the time to share with you a story I wrote in college. I must make one point clear first: This is a Fictional Story. WALLER FAMILY GETS PRE THANKSGIVING SCARE: One week before Thanksgiving, the Waller Family faced the roughest and scariest time of their lives. The parents John and Karen had to go out to a board meeting and had to leave their twin boys Tommy and Timmy alone with a babysitter. Nobody would ever believe what would happen that night. A few hours after the parents left, the babysitter Sharon was alone with the kids. The night was quiet and peaceful. At 8pm, Sharon put the kids to bed. At that moment, the night would change drastically. At that moment a window was smashed. Within minutes she was strangled and shot dead by two bad guys, Mario and Jorge. These two were illegal immigrants from Cuba. They were mass murderers in Cuba and had escaped to find the good life. They were out to steal loads of money, kill people and then escape to a secluded island in the Bahamas to live the rich life. After they dumped Sharon’s body into the Delaware River, they returned to go after the kids. They stowed the kids into their car and drove them around. They at first fooled the kids, trying to be nice to them. They took the kids to an arcade and a ball field, but both times they ran off to a bank, stole money, and came back. They tricked them again when they promised them to take them on a boat ride. They sailed around for a few hours. But then they turned evil. They docked the boat in the water, roped the kids in their seats and promised they would come back and take them anywhere they wanted to go. They locked the door and left. The kids would never realize until many hours later, that they would never be back. Back home, their parents began to panic, asking everyone in their neighborhood if they had seen them or heard anything. All Karen and John could do sit and sob, begging that their precious children be returned to them, unharmed. Karen and John couldn’t work, couldn’t eat and rarely slept. All they could think of were the kids. Each day they would go in to wake up the kids, imaging them there, and go into the car, drive to their school to drop them off, and then realize once they got there that the kids were never there. They would then run into the house sobbing in tears. They would repeat this sequence daily. They thought about calling their neighbors but decided not to. They felt they was no use trying. They were too sad to even talk to anyone. The parents at this point were completely depressed and felt like they needed a miracle to happen. The parents would not ever believe what would happen on the fourth fateful night. During the day on the fourth day of them missing, Karen heard there would be a storm coming in that night, which will bring heavy rain and wind. Karen and John continued to be worried about their kids and hoped that the weather would not have anything to do with the incident with their kids. However the fear in their minds told them that something was going to go wrong. They feared that the storm would impact where the kids are and what would happen to them. The drama was only beginning as the sky began to cloud up and as day turned to night. Back on the boat, the kids were still in the same sitting position roped in their seats and mouths taped shut, gasping for air. All they could do was sit, wait, and pray. By the third day, the kids began to worry and they were getting weaker. The kids could not eat, could not sleep, and could barely breathe. The night was cold. They had no blankets, or pillows. They were shivering and shacking in their seats trying to keep warm. Under their breath they were screaming, “Mommy, Daddy we’re scared! Please come save us!” They unfortunately knew, no one could hear them. They began to fear that they would never get home again, nor see their parents or friends ever again. As day turned to night, the kids fears intensified as they heard a storm brewing. The boat began to dip into the water. An even more frightening sight came to them when water began to fill the boat. The waves were rough. The boat was swaying back and forth. The kids were horrified. They knew then they were in trouble. However once it looked as though all hope was lost, a miracle occurred. A patrol boat was out checking the waters and saw their boat sinking. The patrolman Steve called for help immediately after he was able to survey the boat. When he opened up the boat, the sight he saw was shocking and gruesome. He saw two cute young boys who looked very close to death. They looked tired and starved. Steve called for a helicopter and took them to a hospital. Besides being tired and starved they luckily were fine. Meanwhile, Mario and Jorge had snuck on a plane to Florida with six cases of stolen money. They were about to board a cruise ship to take them to the Bahamas when the security guard asked them to come in for questioning. It just came across the news that the Twin Waller boys were found trapped in a sailboat off the Delaware River. A dead woman’s body that was identified as Sharon Davis, a local teen babysitter was also found. They said the boat had belonged to two illegal immigrants from Cuba. Mario and Jorge knew they were screwed. They were arrested and put in jail for 25 years. They had stolen 5 million dollars, were murderers, they had stolen a boat and broken into the Waller home, killed the babysitter, kidnapped the children and nearly killed them. The criminals now sit where they belong, in jail. That night when they rescued, the parents went to bed early and missed the news broadcast. At 1AM however, they got a phone call they would never forget. A policeman called in saying that their two 9 year old children Tommy and Timmy were found stuck in a sailboat off the Delaware River. They were stuck in there for four days, all roped in with no food and barely any sleep. Luckily they were found by a patrolman named Steve and had sent them to a hospital. The parents were relieved. They took a deep breath, and thanked god that all had worked out fine. More good news came when three day later, the boys returned home, just in time for Thanksgiving. Steve came to their Thanksgiving dinner and the Waller’s all thanked God they were all back together again, safe and sound. Hope you all enjoyed this thrilling short story.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:50:51 +0000

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