I would like to tell you all about my day. I have known for a - TopicsExpress


I would like to tell you all about my day. I have known for a while now that today was going to be busy and I made sure I went through and placed everything in its own time slot so I would have time to get everything I needed to do done. We left the house this morning at 8:45 AM and started the day out with getting to the clinic with plenty of time. After that it all started to run together and I have to say that there was still some things I didnt get done but there is always tomorrow, BUT, I did get one thing done today that I didnt expect to do. Rheann had just started her 30th round of chemo and after we got done in the clinic she wanted food so we were heading down to the cafeteria to get some lunch. As we were getting off the elevator and walking down the hall there was a lady standing there crying to herself. I was in a mental dilemma of if I should just walk on or stop and see if I could help. As we got closer she turned away and faced the wall so I started to walk on by. I got about 5 steps past her when I started remembering everyone that has been there for me and helped me by just simply giving me a hug and giving me a shoulder to cry on. I stopped walking and told Rheann to stand right there next to the wall and I would be right back. I turned around and walked up to the lady and said maam, I had the feeling that you needed me so here I am. I then preceded to give her a hug and let her cry. After she got done she said Im so sorry! I just cried all over you and you dont know me. I told her not to worry that someone had been there for me when I needed to do that and I felt that she had needed me. Im not saying this to toot my own horn, Im saying all this because we could all very easily just walk on by, but sometimes having someone just to hold on to can make it all seem ok. I dont know her name, I dont know her story, I just pray that God is able to help ease her pain and help her through this. Simple acts of kindness can help in the worst of times. Im hoping it helped this lady. I will never know for sure, but if you ever get a chance, give a hug (Please ask first!!!). You might help someone through something they didnt think they could handle.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 01:18:45 +0000

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