I would like to thank all you for the amazing show of support - TopicsExpress


I would like to thank all you for the amazing show of support shown to Matt’s family and friends- it has been extremely helpful to all of us A few people asked me to share this- Matts Eulogy I have spoken to large groups before but usually – I talk about muffins or cakes. So please bear with me as I attempt to honor Matt’s life I was really wrestling with how to start this – I think I had 10 versions but then as I read all of the amazing posts/comments on Facebook- I realized that Matt’s eulogy was being written for me by all of you – his family & friends– I just needed to find a way to connect all these memories and comments. So- some of the words used this week over and over to describe or identify Matt were • Brother • Son • Awesome Nephew • Great Man • Friend • Best guy • Sweet & kind hearted • True Friend • Warm & Gentle If you met Matt only once, you easily could use any or all of these phrases or descriptions- he was your friend for life This past Sunday was one of the most gut wrenching days of my life- but as that day wore on, Matt’s family, friends, and I consoled each other with pictures and stories that personified Matt- I would like to share one of these with you Matt and I were playing golf- on a brisk October day – much like today- we were on the 8th hole and if you ever have played with me- you know I have a tendency to hit the ball into the woods. But thankfully, Matt was not much better than me so we were usually paired up. Anyway, I hit my ball just off the fairway into the tree line- I went into the woods with a 7 iron to knock my ball out – as I was accustomed to – as I look down on my ball- I see that I have stepped into a yellow jacket nest and I am covered from my feet to my chest in yellow jackets- they are not stinging me- but they are on me and I run out of the woods screaming – Matt saw the yellow jackets and me running like a crazy person, straight at him- he didn’t hesitate- he ripped the towels off the golf bags and started to wipe the yellow jackets off me- I am freaking out and Matt never once panicked or wavered- once we felt the front was clear and Matt says turn around- and when I do- Matts exact words were” I cant believe how many are on your back” – he never faltered and he got them off my back and in my mind saved my life- a true friend I’d like to give you a brief snap shot of Matt’s all to brief life Matt’s family moved to Natick around 1975 one street over from my family- at that time, Matt was only about 3 or 4 years old- ironically Matt’s family and mine knew each other from high school- we became instant friends Matt was an only child for 11 years- until his amazing sister Meghan was born. Matt was now a big brother… Meghan- Matt was so proud of you and the woman you have become. You lost one brother this week but not only did you pick up 15 more- we gained a sister Matt eventually came to work for Roche Bros with me and was there for over 25 years- during this time- he met and added more Brothers- The O’Neill brothers, Rob Croft, Tom Potter, Richie Coakley, Mike Griffin, - to name a few- Matt worked hard over these years training as a baker and ultimately, reaching bakery manager, Although we worked a lot of nights and weekends- we always found time for fun and laughter- lots of laughs- he could zing you with his dry wit and leave you shaking your head wonder what happened Shortly before Matt’s high school graduation, Matt was rushed into manhood with the sudden death of his father Robert. But Matt stepped up that day, accepted the added responsibility and never looked back Later that summer, Matt went off to North Adams College and added more brothers such as Tom Burke and Sean Riley with his fraternity kappa delta phi In the last few years- Matt rekindled his romance with the family camp on Bear Island on - Lake Winnipesaukee – he spent every possible day he could up there and the camp offered the fulfillment that he always seemed to be looking for. He added Glenn & Maryellen to his already large extended family Last summer, many of us spent Matt’s 40th birthday at the lake and we spent the weekend laughing and retelling stories about the past and laughing about the new memories we were now creating- I will cherish the memory of that weekend forever- although I am not sure we ever decided who was the best rock singer of all time… Matt, You left this earth way too soon- and although your death still doesn’t make sense to us and it may nevI know you will always be looking down on us and watch out for us with your gentle smile and warm heart In closing, I found this quote that I wanted to share with all of you from Muhammad Ali Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything. God Bless and I love you and look forward to seeing you again “on the dark side of the moon”
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 14:18:10 +0000

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