I would love to see this man run for President. I love his vision - TopicsExpress


I would love to see this man run for President. I love his vision of and his passion for this Nation. Just a footnote, I may be getting too critical of the media (left, center, right, diagonal, I dont care) but it seemed to me that way in which Chris Wallace framed the interview, from the get-go was kind of harsh and unwarranted, and its a familiar if not the typical treatment given to any guest that either challenges or has a different view point than the one pushed by whichever news outlets corporate mantra may be (MSNBC & Co. on the left & FOX on the right). I noticed the same thing from Bill OReilly with an Imam he had on as a guest on his show. OReillys attitude towards this Imam was combative and confrontational from the start and he didnt let the Imam talk, when in fact what the Imam was trying to say was actually very intelligent, courageous and the message he himself has been asking from the Muslim leaders. In this case, Chris Wallace started with a loaded question, (which by the way I think the Dr is absolutely right about the possibility of an anarchistic scenario in the US, imagine if Isis is successful in launching a cyber attack on our electric grid or on our water supply or....) and then, after disclosing that he was a personal friend of the Dr., he asks him if putting a Neurosurgeon in the White House wasnt the equivalent of putting a politician in the operating room...WHAT??? That is as dumb a question as one of my favorite anecdotes of Dr. Milton Friedman. A classic. Dr. Friedman was giving a conference at Stanford* and he was answering a question on the merits of wealth distribution and when he was talking about the poor, someone from the audience yelled out: Have you ever been poor? To which he retorted, of course I have, I bet much more so than anyone in this room. But that is the equivalent to saying that you would not receive medical attention from a Dr. that has never had cancer. Good answer given by Dr. Ben Carson though...with friends like those...and that is not what the Dr. said to begin with! (*it might have been elsewhere, but any ultraliberal school will do)...
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:14:14 +0000

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