I would not be posting all these things concerning Christianity - TopicsExpress


I would not be posting all these things concerning Christianity and God if it didnt change my life. I literally experienced Gods love and have been transformed the way that Jesus promised it would happen if we except the Truth. I see His work in my life. I have really been touched by the Holy Ghost because if I start pulling away from God or life gets in the way something deep inside of me screams to come back to God and not forget His Word and love for me. When I read the bible I now get revelations, it feels as if though if one has been under wonder too long and start longing for air and we know how great it feels when we get that big breath of air, well thats how it now feels when I get Gods word in me. I could have become a Muslim you know and as I had written in one of my testimonies where before I received Christ, for God to show me which path is the true path to salvation and God himself proved to me that Jesus is the only way. It blew me away! So for me nobody can prove to me that this or that god is the true god or that there is no god. Also, Jesus is not a fake, the bible is not fake. Just because you have not experienced Jesus in your life does not mean he is not real. Many whos lives have been changed can tell you otherwise but because people say oh well I cant see him so how can I believe it. Well we believe in many things that are intangible , we still know its real, that its always present. Anyways Im going to stop here lol because Im preaching now. I love Jesus, He is number one in my life and He loves each and everyone of you and wants to pour out His love into your lives if you let him because He will not force Himself on you. Thats how amazing our God is! I love you all. Have a blessed day.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:46:14 +0000

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