I would request that every Muslim read this message with an open - TopicsExpress


I would request that every Muslim read this message with an open mind. The enemies of Islam have had an evil agenda towards the Muslims for over 1400 years. But when the Ummah was God fearing and righteous, Allah helped the Muslims and answered their duas easier. The downfall of our Ummah is simply because we have neglected the Quraan and Sunnah and chased after the things in this world. Yes, we are to blame as well. I’m not trying to cause an uproar, but a reality check is needed. Most of the ummah does not pray 5 times salaat a day or even 4 or 3. Many just pray Jumuah and some dont pray at all. Many of us dont read the Quraan. We are involved with Riba (interest). Many muslims dont pay zakat. Many of us work in types of jobs where our earnings are questionable. Many females in the ummah dont observe the hijab properly. Many who do wear hijab, accessorize it so much that it defeats the purpose of modesty and attracts even more attention. Most muslim males wear pants below their ankles. Many brothers wear silk ties on their dress shirts etc. Most of us spend more time on social media and our phones than reading Quraan. We are not careful of the foods we consume. We listen to music and are addicted to it, even though this is from the devil. We backbite and slander and curse in our speech and lie. Except for us having the kalimah, many of us are living a life of 24/7 disobedience. Our hearts are filled with pride, and jealousy and hatred. The list can go on an on. These are just some of the sins that are coming to mind and many of us are guilty of many of these. And why are we guilty of these sins? For the most part it’s because we have chosen the materialistic things in this world. These sins mentioned are very severe. I am guilty of some of these also. The worst part is that not only are we sinning, we dont even have remorse because we do it openly. Allah is the most compassionate and merciful but Allah gets angry when we openly sin. Our scholars cannot stress this enough, that when we sin in open than we are inviting Allahs anger towards us. Why would Allah help us than? Im not trying to discourage people. Alhamdulillah, we are the Ummah of Nabi (peace be upon Him). We can make dua. Allah is very merciful. All im saying is that everyone should look at themselves and see where we can improve in our lives, and ask Allah for help in this matter.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 05:48:05 +0000

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