I would share these ten laws of the mind that I have found to be - TopicsExpress


I would share these ten laws of the mind that I have found to be true. 1. You are the maker of your fortune — and also of your misfortune. 2. Opinions, beliefs and judgement are the fence around the playing field of life. Depending on the opinions, beliefs and judgement you uphold personally, your playing field is going to be either small or large. Thus everybody writes their own life program. 3. Your opinions, beliefs and judgments are the result of your experiences, be they good or bad. Their essence is expressed as your character since by upholding certain beliefs you mold yourself gradually into a characteristic shape. 4. Negative beliefs are created in situations of extreme stress and trauma such as a life crisis or an accident. They are negative in that they negate your potential goodness and ability. Often they remain hidden from you, and form a blind spot. Yet even when seen they cannot easily be changed at will. You might consider them an unshakable truth. “Well, that’s just me”, you think. 5. Each game in life starts with a positive outlook: “I’m going to make it!” You are playing with the conviction of winning. However as you encounter losses, frustration creeps in. Eventually you turn negative, and say: “I’m never going to make it!” From now on the game is played with the conviction of losing. A positive program was replaced by a negative one. 6. Stress is created by positive and negative programs colliding with each other. Because secretly the positive outlook remains intact, it was never truly cancelled. It only became overshadowed by the negative one. The moment you are reminded of the positive the negative works against it, and vice versa. This way you are pulled in two directions at once. Thus there is conflict and mental tension. It shows as depression, indecisiveness and inability to act. 7. In order to remedy the situation you could attempt to overlay negative programs with positive ones. You could pretend to yourself that all was well. Yet this only amounts to lying to yourself as it does not make the negative programs go away. They still act on you “from behind”. Positive programs can only be fully acted out in life when they are not linked with negative ones. 8. Now to the good news: negative programs can be cancelled. It is indeed possible. To do so you will have to find and re-experience the incident when the negative program was first created. This takes courage. 9. All unwanted conditions of life have a starting point. Nothing has “always been like that”. That is why everything can be changed for the better. Goodness and love are forever. 10. Most problems, even those of the body, have their origin in the mind. As the mind becomes balanced the body becomes healthy and life is fun. Success and happiness are indeed attainable.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:16:53 +0000

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