I wouldnt be against the illegal immigrants if Obama didnt arm the - TopicsExpress


I wouldnt be against the illegal immigrants if Obama didnt arm the the drug cartels first and if America wasnt 17 trillion in debt! Hes purposely making our dollar collapse and controlling us with healthcare which is not in our best interest ! Thats the nicest way to put it! Either was letting killers rapist etc out of jail arming drug cartels and the Muslim brotherhood. Christians are extreme radicalism ? They help everyone and love thy neighbor and family. But their going to FEMA camps ??? Thats what an extremist does??? And raping and killing young children is what exactly? Trying to disarm America and openly arming everyone who hates us!!!!! I havent been able to figure out 1 good thing he has done in past 6 year almost 7 I think. OOO my bad!!!stimulus free money for the lazy and the drug addicts. Most of the drug addicts and the lazy are happy about that even though he has doubled the Amount of our national debt that bush ran up. All those who only stick up for Obama are the racist! If he wasnt black you would not want him ruining a great system out forefathers installed!! They werent angels either but they knew how to run a country and make it a super power Its no secret Obama doesnt like the wAy America has been being run. He wants total control cause he feels we are not smart enough to think on our own. I could care less of color race male female !! I just want some one who will not take away what freedo A we have left!!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 04:44:08 +0000

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