I write out this text publicly because I cannot properly process - TopicsExpress


I write out this text publicly because I cannot properly process everything and, otherwise, once again forwards, so much I it try also can properly overshoot. It is unfair and not quite right what has tramped there everything. Now I was already third sometimes in Hurghada on vacation with my little one Engel (my child ). I was caught on everything and prepares only not that he dies in my arms,on hollyday. It was his Birthday,he was 13 years old of the vacation, and I wanted to give a wonderful pleasure to myself both with it, also with the dolphins and just so and also because of a warmth, sometimes greece resembles.... at least in Hurghada. We also had a wonderful time before. 4-5 days we had undertaken excursions to the dolphins and it completely went well to him. When suddenly an unexpected weather change came. It was not coldly, however, it was stormy and the wind was really hot and so much I also took care and properly tried to fit on, nevertheless, my Sunshine got very sudden an infection. I did not undertake excursions any more, gave to him everything what he needed, because I was prepared as usual also for everything with him, if it should come to such an infection because it was not the case with both years before and was good for him the vacation to us both eigendlich very much. I could get a lot of strength and pass on them in him and it was always a wonderful and well-balanced time. He laughed a lot, and so much I also maintained him, I did this with pleasure, because it was my life and I miss him so much. But which is why I this write is, he had an infection and it was always up and down, sometimes it made amends and once more bad. This time it was a little more serious and also a little longer and so I would also have the Aufenthallt in Hurghada verlägern have to go because I really also everything did what I tuhen was able and what I had to give in strength and love. When I saw all tried and überhaubt no more way out, I asked the hotel doctor for additional help. This happened in 25 Juno in Hurghada, at the hotel where I accepted (11.06.2014-30.06.2014) a holiday stay as an offer for 3 weeks. Because my Sunshine was so weak, I did not want to raise him and go with it to the room of the doctor, but asked the adoption on the phone in addition the doctor in my room as an emergency to ask, because they also offered this to me before. But between offering and conversion worlds sometimes lie, at least with some people not with all. It lasted very long to the doctor with me was and only after 2-3 phone calls, that pinned the blame rerum to the adoption as him my Sunshine saw. He asked me what I to him everything would give, I showed him the medical things and also the spare food I gave him in addition, because I did not want that he of weight or too much liquid loss had. He got even this electrolyte solution and to drink a lot of Kammillentee mixed with Minztee and aniseed fennel tea, which he could also stand very well. The doctor was tightened on this day very much, I do not know like, otherwise, he was. This should already have been to me a warning sign, however, but I hoped a little for help and for support of him, because my strength also was almost at the end. Today I wished everything to cancel again and to wait for the doctor not for helps, but to maintain him further a few more days so intensely to pray as before and to looke more and intensive for him,this Im have make bevore with all what he need,and with my love as a mama to my Sunshine Angel (child). Since this was the right way and he would be alive even today, I am quite sure to me of that. The biggest mistake of my life this hotel doctor was to be asked for help then from there from it went Downhill.It was a very bic mistake to trusk him,because my Sunshine Angel is di. It was also very hot, I did not have off the Klimanlage in then I turned on them always all ten minutes and, would be otherwise it to the Sunshine also too coldly I told him everything also that I with the strangle-nausea slowly gained control and that he would already also get something against Durchfal of me everything in masses, because his stand smaller elegant body not so much and colon beers would become. Spare drinking food from the chemists shop, because he wanted to eat nothing and me had to wait, because I knew that already with him if he an infection had, how long it lasted and how I should handle with him and was able.... During all years, one gets everything and learns with a handycapt child, (in this case my own) to give him a life of positive feelings, and to go near sensitivity and a lot of love. He gave him, nevertheless, a drip with a specially drug medical, I dont no what he given him...which he in this Infusion take. I said him. ... please not too much there he would not get already some what of me. He said to me, trusk me, I will give to him nothing what damages to him and also nothing too much. He said me, these are merely a fat and something against indigestion. I tried ones to trust, however, it was a mistake. He said; tomorrow I come again afternoon if it becomes not better, we must consider something other. He remained to the drip ran through and he went. Unfortunately, it lasted not too very long and Sunshine a reaction to this drug medical...agreed, he had convulsions in the head, groaned and his heart hit like mad-his hearth powert more than bevore.... I took him, laid him in the buggy and went forwards to the room of the Doctor. I asked one of the employees to say me where the room is exact and where I find again exactly this Hoteldoctor. Because I expected no special help from the adoption. I confronted him with it and asked him to help me and to say me what what he has given to my Sunshine. Because he has this reaction and his heart races like mad. He monitored his heart and said merely, his heart would be in order and whether this drug medical had not helped, because he does not vomit any more. I said; do you not see then, this reaction? He twitches with his head to and fro and his heart races as moved. Please, he has to go in the hospital or help him please,but thats not normali... you given him a medicaldrug that was not ok,please help him...I had to ask him several times for it, however, he did nothing, he called merely the rezeptionist fom the hotel. He has not informed yet the doctors of the hospital what he has given Sunshine Angel (my Child) although I him several times therefore has asked. He afraid,because he have make a mistake as a doctor, he given my child a medicaldrug who was not ok and he dont wanna tell this to anyone.The rezeptionist from Hotel called the ambulance, however lasted very much very long, until the carriage was, finally, in the hotel. Then it went to the hospital and it was still a private hospital. There one has not made a lot and one also did not want to listen to me so properly.... It was for those only about the money. I ask myself why some doctors doctors have become who do not think to help only in the first step somebody, but to those the money in the first it puts there is more important than the help of a person, in this case even of a handycapt boy (my child). I was 2 hrs there. During this 2 hrs nobody properly wanted to listen to me and nobody had ever spoken with a hotel doctor. ... the convulsions did not stop, I did not know how to help myself and had to watch like he itself not feel so good. Is a heart still rests and these funny convulsions and Röchelatmung he maintained. It did not stop and they undertook nothing against it. I tried into my English, virtually I was able to do myself with everybody to inform and to make clear to you which is why I would be in the hospital and that, nevertheless, please somebody should speak with the hotel doctor. However, everything was in vain, nobody wanted to listen to me. They gave him only merely cold air to the breathing. Parazethamol liquidly in the rogue he has agreed. Then another doctor, from switzerland still arrived arogant, also spoke with me English. However, then he was able, nevertheless, in German funny enough, because he felt unsound from me and said me For years he would have studied and that I should not say him what he would practise in medicine. I have myself rewilling with him endschuldigt and tried to bring him once again in the quieter tone with, which is why I would be here and whether he could not call up, nevertheless, please call the hotel doctor, speak with him please. But also he did not want to listen to me separate said me merely, nevertheless, I should wait whether he survived the night. I was so helpless. Nobody was there wanted to understand me and I had to watch like he suffers because nobody wanted to give him something and also not against his heart lawn against this spasmodic effect. I had to watch slowly and rewilling because I left alone him not suffers like he. I had to sign something and go. Everything was on in Arabic, they had protected themselves everybody. I still got, in addition, Paracethamol and antibiotic and one more drip with Kalcioum and vitamins and fat.... something so similar I think it was. So for this 2 hrs at the hospital, nothing made except me 300E for nothing decrease v. d. Map. On the way back was the orderly including which was with in the hospital. When I have come at the hotel, he asked for the hotel doctor. He was not there any more. I made it to myself in front to myself on the way my room because was too worried and called the rezeptionist from the hotel to send me a paediatrician in the room. Finally, after long arguing to and fro, because the rezeptionist was very much arogant, they co-operated - sent me a paediatrician doctor in my room, drew the attention of me, however, to the fact that I would have to go once again 50E to pay him.Not helping,money at first,this was the human,time,people from today.From all this bloodmoney, my child dies... This doctor was a little quieter some accessible and. He put the drip to my Sunshine, Slowly I had thus the feeling, it seemed to make amends, but it was only one wish of me, because it had made amends nothing. The doctor still remained a little, the drip had not run through completely. However, it was something else in it he had taken them. He could remain no longer and wanted to have 80E of me. Everything what I have left behind in money in this hotel and clinichospital was bloodmoney. And I have even belonged, the hotels Im hear this, would receive from private clinics a prozentualle participation. At this night I have lain down to him and have prayed quite strongly. However, his heart still rests like mad, the convulsions did not hear on.... and then all of a sudden his heart on heard to hit.At the morning he dies in my arms. Because noone want help him,noone wanna hear me what Im saying.Noone want to call to the doctor from the hotel,and the doctor afraid because he make a mistake and he know that, he know that and my child is dead because he dont wanna helps him. I had a shock, tried to animate him again, a few times one after the other, shouted around help... nobody came. Then a woman suddenly walked in, she was the secretary and company care of the hotel. She tried to animate him also again and to order the ambulance in the adoption. No reaction and it lasted again very much very long. Sometime there came the orderly V. Emergency doctors carriage.... he tried it also, however was too late then the dear God had got him already to himself. That was all to late...His Soul goes to God and to the other Angels. His life troubled to him all years where I me anyhow possibly to form nicely and to teach him only the beauty and to let see and to see agree happily him and laughing, are at this moment where he got this drugmedical and had this negative reaction to it, gone.... It was everything free of charge - also the time before it and this doctor who refused with the clinicians to speak,who makes the mistake, knows certainly that he has committed a mistake. He lives happily and has children and still practises. Because of fear to add his mistake at the other doctors, my Sunshine has dies and I have nothing now. Because he was my life and all what Im have. I would say my mind this doctor with pleasure..., however, I get from nobody a phone number....and anyone says that he dont works at the hotel now. So Im write here everything from to finish anyhow it, because nobody brings back my Sunshine again. When he has died I also had to answer nothing but questions and also sign something in Arabish what I could not understand. Everybody protects themselves and cashes up... Today HEALTH ASSISTANCE or HELP or even the PERSON does not count at all any more. My Sunshine Angel, he may rest in peace. But everything what because of everything was specially collected what because of him, is bloodmoney. And I hope very much that this doctor who did not want to add his mistake because of fear or wrong pride, did not want to talk with the clinic... by him my Sunshine has died, I hope very much that this doctor sometime his fair punishment will agree... sometime.I hope this so much....
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 12:42:00 +0000

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