I write this post with a broken heart. Just a few short weeks ago - TopicsExpress


I write this post with a broken heart. Just a few short weeks ago Dena was rescued from the Pasadena Humane Society Shelter. She was a stray (most likely her owner dumped her). She came into the shelter severely underweight at only 25 pounds. She had enlarged lymph nodes and a heart murmur. I reached out to Dawn and Dana with Save A Spot Dalmatian Rescue in Turlock and asked if they could save her. They agreed to take in Dena. Susan showed up the following day (the day the stray hold was up) and rescued her. She spoiled Dena with rotisserie chicken. Susan shared her love and snuggles with Dena before she transferred Dena to Michelle. Michelle drove Dena the rest of her way to her temporary foster Annette. But before the handoff Dena experienced love and snuggles from Michelle too. Once at Annettes farm Dena was again showered with love and kindness. Dena enjoyed a few days on the farm surrounded by other spotty dogs too. Debi picked up Dena last week from Annette and cared for her for a few days before they made the trip from Southern California to Northern California. At Debis house Dena got spoiled with home cooked meals, love and kindness. Debi brought Dena to her foster mom Dawn about a week ago. Denas health seemed to be failing. They went straight to the vet. The vet said Dena had a raging infection along with her lymphoma. The vet up her dose of prednisone and put her on antibiotics. Dawn and I agreed we would take it day by day and we would give her some time on the antibiotics to turn around. I picked up Dena on Saturday. She came to stay with Meghan and I for a few days. Her fever broke Saturday night and her appetite came back. We were on an up swing. She would try to run outside and loved smelling the flowers. She had a few slower days, but I saw many more alert times the past few days. Dena showed her true self at my house. She loved to give my daughter, Meghan kisses. She loved to snuggle with Meghan. She loved to rest her head in my lap while I stroked her head and body. She loved to rest her head on my shoulder when I carried her over my tile floors. She liked to talk to my spotty dogs and sit up and smile when she saw us near. Yesterday I took her back to Dawn. (We were sharing the responsibilities due to our work schedules). We talked about the possible issues and Dena ups the past few days. We agreed to take it day by day still. This morning Dena took a turn for the worse. She was vomiting blood. Dawn took her to the vet today. They decided that Dena needed peace. Dawn showed the last act of love and compassion this little girl received from all of us the past few weeks. She helped Dena transition from this world to the Rainbow Bridge. I am heartbroken... Dena had become our dog (everyone who had a part in her rescue). She was loved tremendously by my daughter and I. She will truly be missed. I am so sorry sweet girl that you didnt come into our lives so much earlier that we may of had a different outcome. But I truly feel blessed that you graced us with your presence for the few short weeks left in your life. I love you Dena! Your #2 mommy Jamie. Meghan says she loves you and cant wait to snuggle you again some day. Run free my girl. Enjoy your pain free life at the bridge. Enjoy your spotty friends that have gone before you and Im sure were waiting for you to show you the ropes. Until we meet again...
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 04:56:35 +0000

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