I wrote this for my HEART TRIBE... please read up.... this post - TopicsExpress


I wrote this for my HEART TRIBE... please read up.... this post contains a very important and empowering message to me and you and the world we co exist and CO-Create TOGETHER. After witnessing a SENSELESS ACT OF VIOLENCE this weekend I wanted to share my reflections on the situation. What drives the ego to commit atrocities and seek acceptance of its actions? What drives the continuation of shallow minds seeking violence? Why are some people stuck in a loop of carnations without conscience?! PAUSE.... You need to breath and think about why you got out of bed today brother. What encourages your next step? Do you walk a path seeking revenge and use malice as your stepping stone? What has your life lacked for you to believe you are on a righteous path that leads to others stooped over in a pile of hopelessness on the kitchen floor in a POOL OF THERE OWN BLOOD? WHO ARE YOU? WHERE IS YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS? DO YOU KNOW THE GOLDEN RULE? OR ARE YOU RULED BY GOLD!!!????? Where are we? In a cave in the dawn of man fighting over the right to breed? NOOOOOOOOO We are spiritually evolving as a humanity.... YOU WILL BE LEFT BEHIND if you do not find peace within yourself. You will find your own downfall seeking the downfall of others... THESE THOUGHTS are for you that have found: * A peace of mind that extends into every walk of life you lead, to every being you interact with, to every conscious mind you seek to uplift and share the message of universal love and inescapable symbiotic harmony through diversity. * A unconditional respect for all sentient creatures in our reality. * An undying wish for your peace of mind to inspire peace on earth!!!!!!! * A relentless idea that there is no right or wrong only ONE PATH that is always in accordance with the golden rule, as stated DO ONTO OTHERS AS YOU WISH TO BE DONE UNTO YOU * No better place than right here right now, living in exactly the unbelievably perfect NOW. Please know I dont preach unless I feel UNQUESTIONABLY COMPELLED TO SHARE what i know in MY HEART. And in a final conclusion this is my Heart speaking: Those that seek the fulfillment of desires that deprive fellow humans of the basic right to stand healthily right beside them will REAP WHAT THEY SOW! And a wish: IF you know or are occasionally found next to old friends you may have grown up with, or are standing next to a friend of a friend that is in need of the light that my previous statements have sought to bring forth.... TELL THEM! They need to hear it, they need every bit of encouragement to unbind themselves from a life of traps they have allowed their ego to cage them in! Show them how to dispel the GREED of the Material world and unsatisfiable demands to be all powerful in the eyes of their peers. Tell them what they NEED TO HEAR, if you can get someone that seeks violence or manly displays of They asked for it type shit, ************ LET THEM KNOW HOW THE *HEART TRIBE* GETS DOWN!: >>>>UPFRONT straightforward honesty UNBOUND BY FEAR OR EGO EVEN IN THE FACE OF MORE PHYSICALLY POWERFUL BEINGS ************ AND BTW... DONT LET THEM find out where your throwing an awesome house party with all your homies because they will leave it bloodier than it was when they arrived. That is all! my gorgeous people of Light! Thank you for spreading the Good Vibes in a world consumed in so much wrong doing and corporate greed, the world NEEDS YOU! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK, Love and Light my People!!! -Roy HeartTribe Busch
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 06:11:28 +0000

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