I wrote this in 9th grade and just found it again................ - TopicsExpress


I wrote this in 9th grade and just found it again................ As I walked into the school everyone greeted me with a Halloween spirit greeting. On the faces of all the students was a sense of happiness that tomorrow there was no school because of Halloween night. When I walked into Mrs.MacNamara’s classroom I seen Carter looking at me with an intent look. I knew he had something in his mind about tomorrow night. When I walked up to him he said “Bro I have an idea for tomorrow night.” When I asked what it was he replied with “we should go to the abandoned house with some girls, I already asked Sara and Sam if they were up for it, and I just need an okay from you.” I told him I would go. Even though I was terrified of the place. About that time Mrs.MacNamara walked in and told everyone to take there seats. She gave us a lecture on how to be safe on Halloween night. “like anyone in 9th grade would listen to what she was saying.” I thought to myself. As she lectured on she urged people to stay away from the abandoned house as the story goes “four years ago there was a little boy who killed his parents, and family. And authorities say he is still around somewhere.” and. Of course no one was believing what she was saying, or listening for that matter. She also went on about not damaging or altering anyone’s property in any way. Then the bell for the next class rang. As I walked down the hallway I seen the new student from Ohio. She had just moved here from Sandusky just a few days ago. Today was only her second day here at school. You can tell she was shy just by looking at her. She had long blonde hair, with beautiful steel-grey eyes. Unlike anything I or anyone had ever seen. As I looked at her she showed a slight smile at me. I gave one back as she turned to her locker. While trying to work up the nerve to talk to her I was also thinking of what to say. “Maybe I should ask her to go with me, carter and the girls he had asked” I thought to myself. So I walked up to her and said nervously “ Hey, I’m James, I noticed you were new here.” She gave a little jump as if she was startled by something. “I guess I scared her a little bit” I said out loud unconsciously. She gave a slight giggle and said “funny you say that, you did sneak up on me.” I managed to mumble “Yeah sorry about that.” Under all of my nervousness. She actually seemed very outgoing, despite her aura of shyness. She gave me a look of thoughtfulness and said “I moved here from Sandusky, Ohio. My name is Shelby” I told her I’ve never been, but have heard how cold it was.” She stood there a moment and finally managed to ask “If I would like to hang out after school sometime” I told her about me and carter and the others going to that house tomorrow evening. She looked concerned but finally agreed to go. I told her I would meet her at the small gas station in the center of town, around sunset. She gave me a smile, and turned away and walked. The only class I had with carter later on was biology in eighth period. When I walked into the class room. There he was sitting in his normal seat all the way in the back. Ever since we where friends in kindergarten he managed to find a way back there. I walked back to him and asked if he knew the new girl, Shelby. He gave me a look of serious concern, and said “there is no new girl. Or any girl in this school named Shelby for that matter.” What had I seen? Who had I been talking to? I’m sure everyone who seen me today in the hallway, talking to myself thought I was crazy. But who was that? Or what was that for that matter. Then the bell rang to begin class, and in an instant it rang again to end. The whole class just seemed to fly by in a blur of events. I couldn’t remember any of them. When I walked out of class I saw Carter waiting for me there in the hallway. He told me not to forget tomorrow, I told him I wouldn’t. Then walked out of the school to continue home. When out of the corner of my eye I seen her, Shelby was sitting on a bench outside. But when I turned to confront her she was no longer there. She had vanished, into thin air it seemed. I just thought to myself I must have been seeing things just then. I figured the earlier events were just messing with my mind, so I turned and walked towards the end of the street. On my way home the school bus passed me with what seemed no one to be on it. And it turned down the last street of its route. I don’t ride the bus because it doesn’t go all the way to my house. Matter a fact, my house was pretty much the only one in its area. Other than a few run down houses that no one has lived in for years. I entered the door of my house just at the edge of dark. It gets dark very early because of the fall months. So around this time of the year I’m always home around dusk. I yelled for my mom to tell her I was home, but there was no answer. And no one was home, not either of my sisters, or my father. They must have went somewhere this evening. I walked upstairs into my room. But as I did I could have swore I saw my sister run down the hallway. But that was impossible because no one was home. I walked into my room, threw down my backpack and lay on my bed. As I went over the events of the earlier day in my head I fell asleep. I awoke with a startle as I thought I heard a large bang. I ran downstairs to find out what it was. And nothing was down there. I opened the front door to find that there were construction workers tearing down the house next to mine. It was early morning. “ I am already late for school” I thought to myself. So I decided not to go, but then I realized there was no school today. And it was 12:28 in the morning. I had to meet carter in just 8 hours. So I went and made myself some breakfast. My parents or siblings were still not home. And I was starting to worry. None of them had a cell phone and I had no idea where they had gone. When I sat down at the table with my pancakes. My head started to ache, badly at that. I walked down the hall into the bathroom, and tried to find some aspirin. I found a bottle with just a few pills in it. I read the directions and came to the conclusion I needed to take two. So I did, and I sat back down to eat the remainder of my pancakes. When I got done I went to take a shower. But oddly there was no water in the house. I thought that the pipe had been busted, or the water had been shut off. After all we had always been more of a poor family. So I decided to just lay back down and try to recall what had happened yesterday. Who was it that I seen? She did look oddly familiar but I had no idea how she did, or why. But if it was true, and there was no such girl as Shelby. Then was I going crazy? Did I imagine the whole thing? But it had seemed so convincingly real. Before I knew it, it was 4:00. If I wanted to meet “Shelby” on time then I would have to leave now. So I did so. The construction workers were now gone. I don’t know when they had left, but they did. it took me an hour to get to the gas station. Hardly anyone was there because hardly anyone drove in our small community of 800. I waited until dark, and she had never showed. Maybe I was crazy, maybe she wasn’t real, and maybe I had imagined it all. I made my way to the abandoned house where Carter and the others would be. It was 8:00 and I was the first to arrive. I turned around to find that the house looked very familiar for no reason at all. I couldn’t put my finger on why, but it did. I sat there for nearly thirty minutes watching small children walk by with buckets filled with candy. I wondered where the others were and where they could be. When a hand touched my shoulder I jumped a little. And turn to find Carter, sam, and sara. They all gave a friendly greeting, then Carter spoke first saying “Are you guys ready for what unspeakable terrors this house holds for us?” trying to sound frightening. Sam replied with a hysterical laugh at him. The scrounge on his face didn’t seem to like it. But me and Sara couldn’t help but to laugh. Looking embarrassed he decided to be the first onto the porch of the old house. It creaked as his he shifted his weight onto the porch. The night was cold and damp. With a slight fog that hung eerily over the weeping willow in the yard, along with the town itself. We all walked onto the porch. There was no fear at all in Sara’s eyes. She was the bravest person I have ever met. But in mine and Sam’s it was distinct and unmistakable. Carter was still facing the door and no one could see him. But by his movements I could tell he was somewhat frightened. He opened the door and it squeaked open slowly. When you walked in the house there was hallway straight ahead of you, with a staircase on the right wall. On the left was double doors that looked like they hadn’t been used in years. It looked as if it led into a family or dining room. And on the right was an arch that let into the kitchen and an eerie one at that. I glanced left towards the double doors to see the moonlight gleam through the shades on the doors. I looked to the right to see the kitchen where it looked as if someone had been brutally murdered. Then down the hallway was doors on both left and right, it was a very big house despite how small it looked from the outside. Then I made the mistake of looking up, I seen what I thought as a blonde girl run towards the left hallway upstairs. She seemed to have a glow. But I only caught a glance. It seemed as if I was hallucinating again. But I wasn’t for sure, so I just turned to look at the others. Who had seemed to disappear. I was there alone, with my heart starting to beat faster and faster. Then the door slammed shut and wouldn’t open. The house was silent. No sounds came from anywhere but the sound of my heavy breathing. I had no choice but to look for an exit. I decided to try the hallway for an exit. I started to walk, slow but steady. I got to the first door which was on the left. It opened up into what seemed like a play room for a small child. On the wall was a cracked picture of the family that used to live here. They looked oddly familiar, then I looked down at the small 10 year old child in the picture. It was me…….. “How could that be possible?” I thought. My parents looked nothing like that. I staggered back out of the room. I walked down the hallway to find the other three doors locked. And no way of entry, so I decided to walk back towards the front door. Where I tried to open the double doors. But again I had no luck. They seemed as if they were barred from the other side. I tried to peer through the shades to find out what was in there, then I seen what looked like a mother and daughter skeleton. In one another’s arms. I decided not to even try and get in. but for some reason I then had a vision. A vision that I had lived in this house, and I was walking towards the room where I was looking now. It was a bright day, and the birds sang cheerfully. But I then realized I had a knife in my hand, with the intent to kill. The mother realized what my intentions where. She pushed me out of the room without hesitation and looked the doors. I tried my hardest to get to them stabbing and kicking at the door. But I couldn’t seem to get in. the mother just sat back down in the chair and began to feed the baby a bottle. I finally gave up. Thinking they would come out sooner or later. But then I was flashed back to reality when I heard footsteps. The sound of pitter patter along the kitchen floor. I turned around quickly. To see the same blonde girl I seen earlier run around the corner, I ran after her. But when I turned the corner, nothing. There were no exits anywhere in the kitchen, just a door that led into a laundry room sized opening. And that room again, was dim with the moonlight shining through the boarded up windows. Some of the floor was caved in but other than that it smelled of mold and mildew. It was musty and I could see dust particles in the light. I turned back around to the what was no longer a bloody kitchen. It was now a bright sunny day with the birds chirping outside, nothing but a kitchen with a father and his son about 10 years of age. I visualized the son killing his father while he sat at the table. Stabbing and stabbing again and again, until finally he stopped. And looked down at what he had done. There was nothing in the child’s eyes but a sense of darkness, blackness, no feelings at all. Then the child looked at me and said in a low demonic voice “We are the same” then ran at me with the knife with intent to kill, he got to me and looked into my eyes, all I could see was hatred. And then it hit me, the knife stabbed into my gut, my eyes instantly slammed shut. Then I realized there was no pain, no feeling, no struggle, no anything. I clenched my stomach to see if anything was there, nothing. When I opened my eyes it was the same old room I had seen before. Bloody kitchen overturned chairs, and moonlight. I had only one more chance at an exit, upstairs where I had first seen the blonde girl. I crept up the stairs as they squeaked and moaned. When I reach the top of the stairs there was one long hallway outstretching on both sides. Two rooms to my right, and three to my left. I decided to go right, since earlier the girl had ran left. Only one room to the right didn’t have boards on the door. So I decided to make my way down to it. I slowly walked, then a ball, about the size of a soccer ball rolled into the hallway. I paused, I hear no movements. I decided to continue cautiously. I walked into the room where there was two beds, one with the name Sam, the other with the name Sara. I had no idea how I had two friends with the same names as the people who used to live here. Unless……….. then I had another vision, it was that same bright morning the room was clean and two small daughters played cheerfully. I turned around to find that little boy looking at me, standing at the top of the stairs. With me in the doorway he had no way of entering the room without me stopping him. Or so I thought, I turned to look at the girls playing and when I turned back, I seen the boy heading towards his fathers work-study. And he disappeared into the room, the two girls unaware of anything I tried to yell. But nothing came out of my mouth. The boy reappeared from the doorway with a handgun. And walked eerily towards me. He walked up to me and stared, with those same abysmal pits one would call eyes. He then phased through me like I had not even been there. The girls became aware of his presence and immediately stopped what they were doing. The boy pointed the gun at them and then fired two rounds into each one. Killing them both, I heard feet hit the floor from another room. And from the door across the hall from the work-study appeared a child who resembled Carter. The child stormed into the room unaware of me completely. Then the boy who killed the girls, looked at the other still standing over the girls. He raised the gun and shot the boy in the head. Then pointed the gun at me, and pulled the trigger. All I saw was a flash, then I was back in the same dark room. I turned around and tried to figure out what all of these visions meant, why I was having them. And who they were about. What did that boy mean when he told me that we were the same? All I knew is I needed to find an exit. There was only one room left to enter. The other end of the hall, the direction I seen the girl run. I progressed down the hallway the door was closed. But there was a faint glow of artificial light. “Power, in this house?” I thought to myself. I touched the door handle. It was warm, like someone before me had just handled it. I turned the knob slowly, the door creaked open as I pushed it. Brighter and brighter the light became as the door opened father. The room looked new from what I could see, no age, no sense of dismantlement at all. A bookshelf lined the wall, along with a fireplace directly in front of me. Two red chairs sat in front of the fire place. One had a man in it, old and limber he slowly smoked a pipe. He rose, at least 5 feet 11 inches tall. He turned to face me, then he spoke with a voice I’ve never heard before, one that can not be described with words. He said to me “Hello james, you have finally joined me. How much of the house have you explored? Its yours you know. You used to live here.” What he had I could not believe, I just stood with disbelief. He also managed to say “ You may not believe me, but its true”. I had no idea what to say, so I decided to mutter “How is this possible?” Everything was running through my head, every thought, every word. Trying to process what he had just told me, was this what the little boy meant when he told me we were the same? Was I that little boy? The guy interrupted my thought and told me to have a seat. I sat in the chair beside the one I found him sitting in. He sat as well. He explained to me that I used to live hear, when I was 10 I killed my whole family. My father Carter, my sisters Sara and Sam, and my little sister Shelby. And her mother. All in one day I had murdered my whole family. And that very day I was taken to a mental institute. I was made one of the most dangerous patients at the hospital. A few days later I had made a world separate from the others. I had created a world in which I was a normal kid, at a normal high school. I was schizophrenic, the world I had created had made my family my friends, and my 2 month old sister a new student at the high school. The high school I thought I went to was nothing more than an abandon building. In which I imagined the students, the teachers, and everyone else. The man went on to explain that they had tried everything to heal me of my schizophrenia, but nothing worked. This was they’re final attempt at trying before I had to be executed. Everything he had said had made sense, but I refused to accept the truth. I stood to yell “NO! that is not true!” He proceeded to tell me that it was true, he told me the visions were from me not being on the medicine to keep me from being as dangerous. The hallucinations were a side effect. I had another vison, the whole family was standing infront of the fire place in the same room. Looking at me, with the little boy in front. Staring me down the hardest. I fainted, when I woke up I was in a bed, the man asked me who I was and what I had done. I told him I was “James, I killed my family when I was ten” He told me that I was healed, once again. “Once again?” I thought, then he explained to me that they have tried to help me many times, then I regressed back into the same state. I understood, so I went on about my life 2 more days. I found myself thinking about what I had done sitting in my room at the hospital I asked myself if it was better to live as a murderer, or dies as a child. Then I pulled the trigger.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 04:25:53 +0000

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