I wrote this last night, but it was kinda late so I thought Id - TopicsExpress


I wrote this last night, but it was kinda late so I thought Id re-post it. Thanks!! Ok, so I need some help. This is going to be a long read, but please take a second and stay with me… and watch the video too. Today I was talking with a lady that lives on our property and who has become a good friend. She came into the office today and I noticed that she looked different. Worn and tired and sad. She sat down and we just started talking. She commented on the office Christmas tree and complimented my handiwork and said that even tho she had no money this year to buy presents, she just loved Christmas time. We kept chatting and she was telling me that she was able to go to some sort of charity house, which was invitation only, and pick out some things for her kids for Christmas. She got her two older ones each a pair of PJs and her four year old a teddy bear. Used of course, but her eyes beamed with the fact that she had something to give her children. She continued that the charity allowed her to get some food as well and she was so happy as she was talking about the four cans of green beans and stuffing she received. I smiled and told her how awesome it was, but inside my heart was breaking for her. This woman works her ASS off. She is unfortunately in a bad relationship, with what I suspect contains a significant amount of verbal and emotional abuse. She moved into an apartment with this man, her one young son, and her mother as her mother was at risk of being evicted. She struggles daily as she tries to keep it together. She works and is going to school to better her life and the life of her family. She is studying to be a social worker or substance abuse counselor…she wants to help others. Her partner, who should be supporting her and helping her reach her goals, only brings her down telling her she isnt worth it and should give up. Yet, she doesnt. There have been times I know she hasnt eaten, just so her children can. She struggles to pay bills. She doesnt beg for handouts and doesnt live off the government. She has pride and respect for herself and wants nothing but to provide a good life for her children. As im listening to her talk - I could tell she just needed someone to listen - tears welled up in her eyes. I remained positive and gave what words of encouragement I could think of to make her feel better, but inside my heart was breaking for her. I can tell she is nearing her breaking point. She is a good person and a good mother, but she is tired, scared, and broken. She told me how she just wants to stay in bed and hide under the covers, but she knows she cant…she has to keep plugging away. She cant give up. I have been very blessed in my life. I come from a family that loves and supports me no matter what. Ive never known anything different. I have a partner who cares for me, my dreams, my goals, and pushes me to be better, not one who brings me down. She has never known either of these things. She has never had a family that lifts her up and encourages her or a partner that stands by her side. She has had to do everything on her own. She could have easily been one of those people who gave up because life was just too hard. She could have turned to welfare or the government to help her because she had a bad childhood and someone owed her. NO. She fought for herself to make her life something better! I have a great deal of respect for her. I want to do something for her this holiday season. Something to make life a little easier for her, if just for a bit. So, Ive decided that I am going to give her my commission from my ITWorks business this month and some of my christmas bonus to help her give her kids a Christmas that she otherwise would not be able to give them. She didnt ask for it, and I know she will try to refuse it, but I WANT to do this. My parents always, and still do, spoil all of us kids rotten at Christmas time. We are so blessed. Blessed to the point that it almost makes me feel guilty. Our house looks like Santas workshop on Christmas morning. I have been fortunate to have a family that can provide that. But talking with her today, and knowing this woman personally, brought reality to clear view. MANY people dont have that and never will. So many kids dont know what its like to receive even ONE gift at Christmas. I know Christmas isnt about gifts, but tell that to a four year old. My parents raised me to care about others and help people when I can. I have received help from many people thru the years, and I appreciate every single one of them more than they will know. Even tho I live paycheck to paycheck, and sometimes not even then, I know how lucky I am. I never go hungry, I always find a way to pay my bills, and sometimes still have a little bit for the extras in life. I want to do this for her, so she doesnt have to worry quite so much and gets to experience with her children, what Ive taken for granted my entire life….presents on Christmas morning. So here is where I need the help. I know there are some different websites that people use to set up different fundraising ventures for people in need. Like that lady that was bullied on the school bus by those awful kids. People could donate money to this site and in the end it all went to her. I want to set something like this up for this woman. I want to be able to give her and her family a nice Christmas, but also, maybe a little extra for her bills, food, rent, whatever it may be. I know how financial burden brings someone down. And this is a VERY deserving woman. She is a great person who will do GREAT things for others, but right now, she needs the help. Can anyone who has knowledge of setting something like this up, please message me and tell me how to do it??? I really want to help her. And I know I have some great friends that would want to help too. If everyone on my friends list just donated $1, we could give her and her family a Christmas like she has never imagined. For me, that would be the best Christmas gift I could ever give….. happiness. Will you help me?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 16:24:11 +0000

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