I wrote this last year........worth sharing AGAIN!! 11 years - TopicsExpress


I wrote this last year........worth sharing AGAIN!! 11 years today!!! :) I hope everyone has a happy and SAFE labor Day weekend as I am blessed to be here to spend it with my girls and Grand-babies and friends this weekend!! Yes this is long..... But it is MY STORY and I dont care!! Lol 10 years ago today is the day I consider MY MIRACLE!! ! I survived this crash 2 months after moving to Milford despite every obstacle possible, which included that 3 weeks to the day before my accident happened I was taken off blood thinners I had been on for a year for a blood clot! Despite IMH sending me home after 2 1/2 hours after being cut out of a van that rolled 3 times! Despite them telling Mike to go home and wash the corn and dirt out of my hair(thank goodness I screamed when he touched my head and we just stopped) Despite sending me home with NO COLLAR( til Mike called the next day and they gave him a soft one)Despite sitting in my recliner for 3 days until I rode all the way up north when Mike drove me to my parents and they took me to my doc up there who immediately sent me to the ER!! Despite a CT scan and a neurosurgeon who slapped a hard collar on me and I had to lay flat for a week til swelling went down and a special table was ordered so he could do 13 hours of surgery to fix 3 UNSTABLE BREAKS in my neck (front and back)that IMH missed on their scan!! With every doc telling me I am on this earth for a reason and thank goodness it hurt too much to move my neck cause if I would have turned my head even a quarter of an inch I would have been paralyzed or dead!! SO after 8 months of a long hard recovery, physical therapy, and no driving or use of my right arm, I do not say WHY ME...... Instead I say THANK YOU , THANK YOU that I am here to walk and talk and watch my family grow!! I am not sure the reason for this accident but sometimes I think it was Gods way of telling me( or MAKING me slow down) I had worked all my life til that point and was actually going to put in an application in at IMH That next week since kids were back in school! Well I had 6 years at home not working after that ( well not working outside my home anyway) but I was fortunate enough to be home to care for Alison while pregnant and on bed rest the whole time, to watch Madison while Alison finished school with scholarship to DACC, my niece who we got guardianship of and lived with us for almost 2 years! Taking care of my mother in law who moved in, moved out, moved next door, then got cancer and taking care of Vanessa who also blessed me with our grandson Peyton!! So it came to my attention years later ( actually 9 months later by my one doc who seen how upset I was when I came to him a nervous wreck when Alison was pregnant, he patted me on the knee and he said SEE.......I KNOW WHY YOURE STILL HERE!! He said You are here to help your daughter through this......she could not do this without her moms help!!! God knew they ALL would need me home, need me to help them, so he slowed me down!! well life is crazy hectic once again but I had THOSE years!! I just hope when I need it someone will SLOW DOWN ENOUGH FOR ME!!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 13:01:23 +0000

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