I wrote this letter to the editor and submitted it to the two - TopicsExpress


I wrote this letter to the editor and submitted it to the two local newspapers. Willits Weekly has refused to print it. The Willits News has so far not printed it. So thought I would share it here and at least have some voice. It saddens me that a week before the election that the voters are not given the full story of one of their candidates. I hope you will share it on your own page. Dear Editor- This letter is publicly addressed to Robin Leler. Robin, you are an active member of Save Our Little Lake Valley, an organization whose protests have cost the taxpayers of the State of California over $20,000,000 in delay costs in regards to the Willits Bypass. It does not take much online research to gain an insight into your activist position in regards to the bypass. You have appeared in three “It’s not just a flat noodle!” videos with Ron Lippert. These three videos, about 1/2 hour each in length, have solely to do with the Willits Bypass, the mitigation plan and the protests. You appear, Robin, in episodes 1, 2 and 13. You have been listed as a contact person for Save Our Little Lake Valley anti-bypass activities. You have appeared before the State Water Resources Board in regards to protests against the Willits Bypass. You have written Letters to the Editor. I would like to know what your plan is, if elected, in regards to your Willits Bypass position as a city council person. Are you running for city council because of an interest in the many important issues facing Willits? Or are you running to be another Madge Strong and to use the city council as a venue for your anti-bypass rhetoric? I really hope that voters will take the time to watch the three “It’s not a flat noodle” videos to gain a clear insight into who is running for a position on the city council. Jeanne King vimeo/84381608
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:04:05 +0000

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