I wrote this more than a week ago: Status Update By Ruth Ann - TopicsExpress


I wrote this more than a week ago: Status Update By Ruth Ann Satchfield It seems the man who contracted Ebola and is being treated in Dallas does not have insurance. This family with which he was staying is not wealthy , and may have qualified for Medicaid expansion. Many poor families in Texas would be covered by insurance if not for the bad decisions made by Perry, Abbott and the rest of the GOP. If we have an epidemic of any kind it usually spreads first among the poorest citizens due to lack of nutrition. When they get sick they hesitate to seek medical care { spreading the disease instead} , due to lack of money and insurance. Extended Medicaid under the ACA or Obama Care would have helped fix this problem. National health care would be even better. Hospitals are required to treat the sick in emergency situations, whether they can pay or not. Without Medicaid expansion many hospitals could go broke and close their doors. This is especially true of small hospitals that serve the less populated areas.. In playing politics with the lives of our poorest citizens, the GOP has played politics with all of our lives. We need representatives who will represent all of the citizens of Texas, and the USA, not just the special interests
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 12:40:15 +0000

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