I wrote this story quite a while ago. I am re-posting it in honor - TopicsExpress


I wrote this story quite a while ago. I am re-posting it in honor of two of the dogs which had to be put down recently. The story should open some minds as to how and why the liberals want to control our lives. This was made very clear by how the libs deceived us with Obummer Care!...........Robin and I own three wonderful dogs. The newest addition is just a puppy. She was the female runt of the litter and is a Bichon. We named her Q-Tip because that is what she looks like. The other two dogs are Snuggles and Teddy. Snuggles is the oldest (11) and is an Llhasa-Toy Poodle mix. Teddy is a Shitzu-Poodle mix (7). Like most dog lovers we treat them like they are our children and they are extremely important to us. Recently these dogs helped me to understand why the current Administration, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the Progressive are working so hard to “fundamentally change” this Nation. For the past two years I have had the hardest time comprehending how my fellow citizens could sit by and watch this Country continue to move closer and closer to becoming a Socialized state. I got into several heated debates with numerous progressive liberals and could not understand how they could possibly condone all the Government takeovers, “share the wealth” philosophy, stacks of new regulations, lessening of freedoms, President appointed Czars, and the constant apologizing for this fine Nation, My awakening took place while I was taking the three dogs out to potty! Because we are still in the potty training mode with Q-Tip, we make a big deal of it when she goes outside and reward her with a treat. As soon as I handed her the treat the other two dogs came running up expecting their fair share. Despite the fact that Snuggles and Teddy had done nothing, I felt it was only fair to give them a treat also. At that moment, I realized that I was guilty of running a Socialized/Marxist/Communist (pick whichever term you like best) dog Nation. The more I thought about it the more enlightened I became. Pet owners are Marxist! We are Big Brother. We provide everything for our animals from litter to grave! They have to do nothing but give us unconditional love. We house them, feed them, give them toys, groom them, provide them with medical attention, and control them through numerous rules and regulations. A pet owner is the perfect Master and the pets are the ideal Progressive Liberals! I now understand the Progressive Liberal agenda thanks to my dogs. The elite want to be the Masters. They want to control every aspect of our lives as we do with our pets. They feel that everyone in the “pack” should be provided with all the necessities in life. They love us and want to insure we all have housing, food, medical, College, cell phones, and high speed Internet! If I crap in the house I should still get the same treat as those that do not! Yes indeed, I now understand their need to share the wealth. This is the fundamental change that Obama called for! The problem is, Americans are not pets. We are not dogs, cats, or any other animal. We are human beings who are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves. We live in the most wonderful Nation on Earth. Thanks to the Founders and the Constitution we all have a fair chance to excel in our lives. We can work hard if we want to be successful and be slackers if we don’t. There are almost no limitations placed upon us nor should there be. We have freedoms outlined in the Constitution and they should never be tred upon. We have a human obligation to help the unfortunate but in no way should we be forced to help those who refuse to help themselves. My dog Teddy is smart. She is the biggest Liberal Progressive of them all. Every time I take the puppy out, she runs outside, sits on her butt, and waits till Q-Tip craps. She then runs up to get her treat. I am quite sure that she would vote twice for every Progressive Liberal on the ticket!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:46:11 +0000

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