I wrote this to one particular publication who used my photo on - TopicsExpress


I wrote this to one particular publication who used my photo on its cover without credit but Id like to turn it into an open letter to all publications as its just 1 of many publications who have used my work on covers and features uncredited this year: Hi hi, Thanks so much for getting in touch. Credit is essential for all photographers, especially as press photos. Its the most important thing to do. Firstly, my license for press usage actually explicitly requires credit from any usage otherwise I can charge extra for use. If its used next to a review or a little vox pop without credit, then I dont mind because its basically used illustratively. But usage on features and covers, where it contributes positively to the aesthetic of the publication and its appeal, then thats essential. Secondly, just on a supporting artists work level, so, so, so much work goes into these photos, not just from me, but from all photographers, and it is absolutely devastating to see any usage - even just on Facebook - not being credited - so its just soul destroying to see it on a cover with no credit. Speaking from a personal perspective this is my career and my work and my life. I approach the this work, these photos as an artist, I protect the work as an artist and feel the same pride in the photos as an artist. So just on moral and supportive and right thing to do level, you must credit all photographers when you use their work in features and covers. But also, in terms of the requirements of my press license, it is mandatory. Listen though, I mean this all in a nice way. Your publication is looking great this year. But this tops a year of lazy sub-editors leaving out my credit everywhere, or crediting the wrong photographer - and leaving out many other photographers credits too. How awful to work so hard and be ignored - like it means nothing to us. My work is the culmination of great collaborations with comedians and performers throughout the year. But Ive now had dozens of cover and large features uncredited. It means so much to me. So yes please, Id love a credit in the next issue, but also Id love to motion for a change in policy in your publication generally moving forward. Go to the trouble to find out who the photographer is and credit correctly wherever and whenever possible, both print and online. When in doubt: credit. Even when in no doubt: credit anyway. much love and support, Idil xxx
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:24:11 +0000

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