+++ IAPSS WINTER SCHOOL 2015: Apply till JANUARY 15th (only for - TopicsExpress


+++ IAPSS WINTER SCHOOL 2015: Apply till JANUARY 15th (only for Turkish students and students residing in Turkey) +++ OVERVIEW “Turkey, the EU & the Middle East: Political Transformation & Challenges for Future Cooperation” Organized by the International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) & hosted by The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Sakarya University in Sakarya & Istanbul, Turkey February 1st – February 7th, 2015 (Arrival Day: January 31st, Departure Day: February 8th) Call for Applications: *January 15th, 2015* (Please note that application is now available for Turkish students & students residing in Turkey, only!) The International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) herewith calls for applications for its Winter School 2015, jointly organised with The Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at Sakarya University. The destination? Fascinating Turkey! With its long and exciting history of democratisation, civil society transformation, and its emerging but challenged economy, Turkey is an excellent location for political research and analyses for students of political science and related disciplines. Please note that application is now only available for Turkish students & students residing in Turkey. Deadline: *January 15th, 2015!* All information at: iapss.org/events/winter-school/2015-sakarya THE THEME Over the course of the last decades, Turkey has undergone an intensive political, societal and economic transformation. Situated in both Europe and Asia, Turkey is embedded in a highly dynamic and conflict-dominated region. Long-lasting internal and cross-border conflicts incl. the Kurdish separatist movement, Turkey’s democratisation and the division of Cyprus, as well as recent ones, with the emergence of IS till to Turkish borders and Turkey’s role as disputed emerging energy transit corridor have been defining both its internal and foreign policy. Granted with candidate status for the European Union in 1999, the country has been since in a challenging negotiation process. Throughout the last decade, civil society in the country has become more visible and active in political debate, with the Gezi Park protests gaining international attention in 2013. Rapid economic growth has put Turkey on the first place of the fastest growing economies in Europe and Western Asia since 2011, also resulting in a greater regional economic integration and socio-economic vulnerability. How did it happen? What are the determining factors and transitional processes? What are the leading actors and institutions? And what are the consequences on the short- and long-term? During the IAPSS Winter School 2015, participants are going to research, examine and discuss on a large variety of crucial topics in political science regarding Turkey, the Middle East and its interconnection with Europe, in order to understand its domestic and foreign policy, the country’s economic development, Turkish civil society as well as its role in regional conflicts, trade and integration. HOW TO APPLY? Please note that application is now only available for Turkish students & students residing in Turkey. Deadline: *January 15th, 2015!* Individuals interested in participating in the IAPSS Winter School 2015 are requested to submit a written application containing: - A short CV (max. two pages, without photograph), - A letter of motivation (max. two pages) and - An abstract (of max. 300 words, incl. a title and five key words) summarising your idea for a short paper (8-10 pages) about a preferred topic from the provided range of topics, to be written before and during the IAPSS Winter School 2015. The topics addressed are as follows: - Turkish Politics in Transformation - Development and Challenges of the Turkish Economy - Turkey and the European Union - The Turkish Civil Society - Turkey’s Foreign Policy (with special regards towards the greater Middle East) - The Arab Spring and Regional Repercussions The online application form is available HERE: iapss.org/events/winter-school/iapss-winter-school-2015-application-form/ Based on your preferred choice of the topic, a division into six teams will be made – consisting of both international and Turkish students (the latter have been selected already in Deceber 2014). During the IAPSS Winter School 2015 all participants will work further on their topics individually as well as in their teams. Every topic will be covered by one lecture and in discussions with experts from the academia. Next to lectures and discussion sessions, daily workshops dealing with the methodology of academic research and writing will help you finalise you paper. KEY DATES & DEADLINES? Call for Applications: January 15th (for Turkishs students & students residing in Turkey only) Arrival: Saturday, January 31st – to Sakarya, throughout the day Academic Program: Sunday, February 1st – Saturday, February 7th Departure: Sunday, February 8th– from Sakarya, throughout the day WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? - Meet with more than 3 dozens of students, both international and from Turkey, interested in a multi-perspective examination of the topics addressed - Prepare a short paper (8-10 pages) before and during the IAPSS Winter School 2015, which you outline in a short presentation during the last day of the event to your fellow participants (max. 10-15min, each) - Discuss and debate with a range of experts in the field of Turkish, Middle East and EU politics and get first-hand insights on their current research and teaching - Daily workshops on academic writing and research, methodology, debating and presentation to enhance your academic skills - Enjoy a fantastic day in Istanbul, one of the most vibrant metropolises on the planet, with a half-day guided tour included - Social evening events incl. documentary screenings, Turkish cooking and much more! PARTICIPATION FEE Category A: 150,00 EUR (ca. 420,00 TRY) - only for students from Sakarya University This includes lunch, a one-day excursion to Istanbul, all IAPSS Winter School 2015 reading and research materials, a personal IAPSS Winter School 2015 participation kit, access to all program components and social events in the evening as well as an official certificate of participation. The fee has to be transferred in advance in order to confirm your participation, but only after you have been notified on successful selection (January 17th). Category B: 280,00 EUR (ca. 790,00 TRY) – for other Turkish students & students residing in Turkey This includes accommodation in Sakarya (8 nights), all meals (breakfasts, lunches, dinners), a one-day excursion to Istanbul, all IAPSS Winter School 2015 reading and research materials, a personal IAPSS Winter School 2015 participation kit, access to all program components and social events in the evening as well as an official certificate of participation. The fee has to be transferred in advance in order to confirm your participation, but only after you have been notified on successful selection (January 17th). FURTHER REMARKS Please note that you will have to arrange transportation to Sakarya by yourself. IAPSS does not cover travel expenses to/from Sakarya. We recommend to consult with your university / academic institution for individual financial support for participation and travel costs. Also, a range of foundations and academic institutions offer grants and scholarships for seasonal schools. If selected, please inform us as soon as possible in case you are in need of a pre-arranged visa for Turkey. We will provide you with a personalized invitation letter, respectively. THE ORGANIZERS The International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) is the worldwide representation and platform for political science students and related studies. IAPSS – politically independent, non-profit, entirely student-run and embracing more than 10.700 members from more than 85 countries – generates and promotes political science opportunities for active engagement, career development and academic proficiency for students of political science and related disciplines by a variety of events, publications and services throughout the year. The Center for Middle Eastern Studies (SAMEC) is a body of Sakarya University in Sakarya, Turkey. It is one of the largest concentrations of Middle Eastern scholars in Turkey. Founded in 2013 to strengthen the systematic study of the Middle East region, SAMEC is responsible for both teaching and research. With its more than 25 staff, SAMEC organizes different postgraduate programs. More information are available here. Requirements IAPSS MEMBERSHIP Please note that IAPSS Membership is required in order to participate in the IAPSS Winter School 2015. IAPSS Membership comes at only 15 EUR (for citizens of Europe incl. Russia and Turkey, the United States, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia) or 10 EUR (for all other countries) per year (discounted rates for two-year memberships are available for 25 and 15EUR respectively) and offers you a wide range of benefits, including priority access to IAPSS Conferences, IAPSS Delegations, and IAPSS Study Trips as well as the opportunity to participate in IAPSS’ political science journals POLITIKON and ENCUENTRO LATINO AMERICA, and the IAPSS’ IR blog A Different View. Also, members receive the biweekly IAPSS News & Opportunities condensing political science opportunities such as internships, jobs, conference calls and more. Find all information on the services we provide and how to apply here: iapss.org/members/individual-membership/ +++ Apply Now and Till January 15th, 2015! +++ Do you want to learn, examine and discuss in-depth about what challenges Turkey faces on its way to full membership in the European Union? Do you wonder how Turkey managed to become one of Europe’s fastest growing economies? Do you wish to get comprehensive insight into Turkey’s relations with its neighboring countries? If the answer is yes, then apply for the IAPSS Winter School 2015 in Sakarya and Istanbul – until January 15th, 2015! Please note that application is now only available for Turkish students & students residing in Turkey. In case of any further question or inquiry, do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected].
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 11:00:01 +0000

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