IBRAHIM’S AS VISION(IBRAHIM AS CONTD.) Ibrahim’s AS life - TopicsExpress


IBRAHIM’S AS VISION(IBRAHIM AS CONTD.) Ibrahim’s AS life was marked by extraordinary events, and by tests and trials that would easily have destroyed a person of lesser faith. It had been close to 10 years since Ibrahim AS had left his wife and baby in Mecca in the care of Allah. After a 2 month journey, he was surprised to find Mecca a lot different from how he had left it. The joy of reunion was soon to be interrupted by a vision which was to be the ultimate test of his faith. When Ismail AS had reached the age of doing a man’s work side by side with his father, meaning that he became mature and was capable of working with his father, a vision came to Ibrahim AS, ordering him to cut the throat of his son, and prophets’ dreams were revelations. It was a tremendous trial from Allah Most High, to His Friend Ibrahim AS. To slaughter his beloved son who come to him at an advanced age, after ordering him to take him and his mother to a distant land. With his pure understanding of the truth, he knew that his Lord, who is endlessly merciful and compassionate, He has no need or desire for blood to be sacrificed and offered to Him. As a prophet, he also knew better than anyone else that taking an innocent life is among the most terrible of crimes – and what could be a graver evil or more horrible crime than the killing of a child by his own father? At the same time, there was the assurance he had been granted when he left Hagar and Ismail AS in the barren desert of the child’s living, not dying. Ibrahim AS did not question Allah’s order nor dispute with His Will. Rather, he understood his sacrifice of his son as something that must happen. Thus it was that, once again, when his Lord said to him, “Submit”, he said “I have submitted [in Islam] to the Lord of the worlds.” (Qur’an 2:131) He then asked his son to see how he responded to this order saying, O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I [must] sacrifice you, so see what you think.” (Qur’an 37:102) The forbearing son made his father immensely happy by saying, “O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast.” (Qur’an 37:102) Young as he was, Ismail AS was trained in perfect obedience – firstly to his Lord and secondly to his father, a prophet of tremendous spiritual stature. If this is what his father understood as an order, it must be carried out, regardless of how it would affect him personally. Deciding otherwise was not even a possibility for young Ismail and his father, peace be upon them both. Perhaps for this reason, Allah speaks of Ismail AS as a forbearing boy (Qur’an 37:101) and mentions him as being among the patient and among the righteous (Qur’an 21:85-86). THE ACT OF SACRIFICE Ibrahim AS and his young son set out to fulfil the vision, carrying a length of rope and a sharp knife. Ibn Abbas RA reports that when the two of them passed the place where Hagar hastened between Safa and Marwah, Shaytan appeared to Ibrahim AS and ran after him. But Ibrahim AS outran him and continued on his way, accompanied by archangel Jibrael AS. When Ibrahim AS reached the site at which the stone pillar of Aqabah stands in Mina, Shaytan came to him again. Ibrahim AS threw 7 pebbles at him to drive him away and continued toward his destination. At the side of the middle stone pillar, Shaytan reappeared, and again Ibrahim AS threw 7 pebbles at him. Finally when Shaytan realised that Ibrahim AS was firm and intent upon carrying out Allah’s command, he left him alone. Soon the father and son reached the place for carrying out the sacrifice, which is believed to be on Mount Thabir near Mecca. It is reported that Ismail AS was wearing a white shirt. “Oh my father,” he said, “I have no garment to be buried in except this, so take it off me and bury me in it.” What that much-tried father and son, may Allah’s endless peace and blessings be upon them, felt as they both surrendered their wills to Allah, and as Ibrahim AS put Ismail AS in place for the sacrifice, is a secret that will forever be between them and their Lord. Ibn Kathir explains the events that followed. Allah says, And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead, (Qur’an 37:103). It is said that he was about to cut his throat in such a way as not to see his face. Others say that he started cutting with the knife at his throat but it would not cut at all. It is said that Allah inserted a layer of brass between the knife and his throat. Then Allah Most High called out to Ibrahim AS that the objective of his testing and obedience, and his willingness to carry out his Lord’s command has been achieved. (Qur’an 37:104-105) That is why Allah says Indeed, this was the clear trial. And He ransomed him with a great sacrifice, (Qur’an 3:106-107) and replaced him with something which was easy for him to sacrifice in the place of his son. The majority of commentators say that it was a white ram, wide-eyed and with big horns, which he saw stuck in the bushes. The term “great sacrifice” obviously refers to much more than the specific animal that was provided as a ransom for the life of Ismail AS. Rather, it relates to the fact that Allah ordained the offering of animal sacrifices on the same day throughout the world to be an established Sunnah up to the Day of Resurrection, thereby keeping alive the memory of Ibrahim’s AS unparalleled faithfulness and devotion to His command. Thus did Allah try His Friend with another almost unimaginable trial. Finding him surrendered, He relieved him and restored his son to him, to become his successor in prophethood and the ancestor of the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him and upon them. And Allah praises Ibrahim AS with the highest praise and honour in the Qur’an verses 37:105-111. In the story of Ibrahim’s AS sacrifice, we learn that the way of those who are nearest to Allah, the prophets (anbiya), messengers (rasul) and holy people (salehin or awliya). It is the way of perfection: the total surrender of their own personal wills and unswerving commitment to carrying out the Will of their Lord, which is communicated to their innermost being, without question, without reasons, even if it goes against logic and common sense, against all they cherish, against everything that is accepted as reasonable and right. It is this epitome of submission and trust in Allah which hundreds of millions of Muslims reenact every year during the days of Hajj on Eid-ul-Adha – Celebration of Sacrifice.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 06:30:11 +0000

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