ICE releases 36,000 criminal aliens – might be impeachable - TopicsExpress


ICE releases 36,000 criminal aliens – might be impeachable offense LOGIC LETTER 5/15/14 By Lynn Woolley Dear Lojiks, The Democrats and President Obama are known to pine for “comprehensive immigration reform” for several reasons. First and foremost, they believe these new citizens will keep Democrats in power forever. Second, since most illegal immigrants are poor, they help make the case for gigantic government. Now that it’s been revealed that the Obama administration released 36,000 criminal aliens last year – is that a case for impeachment of the President? First, the facts as revealed by the Center Immigration Studies – and carried in virtually NO newspapers. • The release is part of an annual trend of thousands of such releases since 2009. • Among those released – violent criminals such as murderers, rapists, kidnappers and drug dealers. • Those released last year accounted for about 87,800 crimes. • Among those released, there were about 15,635 cases of driving while intoxicated. • There were 193 documented murders committed among those released. • A 2011 audit by the DHS inspector general further found 809 recidivists -- Level I immigrant criminals (eligible for deportation) were released from California and Texas in 2009. There’s much more but you get the idea. So why? Why would ICE, under the Obama administration, do this? First, we have to remember that Obama had promulgated the idea that deportations were down under his watch. That has tuned out to be yet another lie from this administration that seems to lie so easily. Second, consider the fact that Obama likes to make up rules and laws as he goes – without interference from Congress. This may have been nothing more than an “I’ll show ‘em who’s boss” kind of attitude. The administration has blamed it all on budget sequester cuts and “staffing challenges.” In reality, this is ideological. It’s policy from a political party that is forgiving to oppressed classes that they believe can be made into reliable consumers of government subsidies and out and out welfare. Some say it’s an impeachable offense and that crime waves have resulted from these releases. We are late in the game to impeach Obama. That’s because the mainstream Republicans have been afraid to challenge him due to race, and he has enjoyed the protection of Harry Reid and a solid Senate majority. Following the midterms, and assuming the Senate goes Republican, there would be a shot at impeachment. Politically, it would be a very bad thing for Republicans. They would, indeed, be smeared as racists. And if they succeeded with impeachment, the Senate trial would by no means be certain to toss Obama out. Also, there is Benghazi still to be decided. If the Trey Gowdy hearings go badly for Obama and Hillary Clinton, both might be politically neutered. Already, there are rumblings that Hillary may not run for the nomination – an admission that the hearings might be tough on her, and she may need an out. And it is true that Obama will be down to his last two years. Would it be best to follow the Constitution and do what you have to do – impeach – and damn the consequences? Or should Republicans stop his immigration and climate change schemes and put all efforts into taking back the White House? There are cases to be made for either direction. However, assuming Obama can be prevented from doing more damage to this country – we’d all be better off to let him finish out his term, and then try to turn the county around with a conservative president. Logically, Lynn Woolley
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 12:42:01 +0000

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