ICLC_2014 GRAND FINALE with Pastor Chris. ICLC Day 3 With Pastor - TopicsExpress


ICLC_2014 GRAND FINALE with Pastor Chris. ICLC Day 3 With Pastor Chris The Mandate Glory to God, we began discussing certain important things about the ministry last night. I told you we are looking at three important things as ministers and have it very clear in our spirit to help us not only have,.. But be successful in what He has called us to do. You will be stable and unshakable and always abiding in the word of God. A clear foundation for your faith, everyday Christian life. Many have many questions that trouble them. Does God really mean these things? Are they dependable. are they not dependable. Will we one day discover that the bible is not meant.. What if Jesus comes, will I be taken with Him... Once these three factors are clear to you, youll be unshakable. We started with the Man Jesus. The Son of God. Completely man and completely God. The most amazing man that ever came to this shore. The greatest individual to have work the streets of this word, Jesus Christ, son of the living God. Let me read you a scripture. Hes beyond a man. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell (Colossians 1:19 KJV). For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. (Colossians 2:9 KJV). The totality of Deity is fully encapsulate in the Man of Galilee. God in Human Form. What this begin to tell you ... Hes responsible for the breathe of your life. Even though He is, Hes more than the One that God exalted. Oh, Hes great, King of Glory. Okay, Hes more than that. In Him dwelleth all the God head. Hes the completeness of God. This Man Jesus, everything is in Him and for Him. Youre dealing with not only an exalted man, but with God. All of God is in Him, dont you get it. He does not have the presence of God. All the fullness of the Godhead dwelleth in Him, the father, son and Holy Ghost lives in Him. On the throne of Almighty God seats Jesus Christ. Hes the One on that throne. Thats what Revelation says. No wonder He says fear not. Hes the possessor of all things. Hallelujah. Understand who Jesus really is. This is no religion. Jesus is God in Human flesh. And now that Hes gone to heaven, I has pleased the Father that angels see God in Jesus. The scriptures are written there for us,you just saw them. We went on to discuss His message He brought to the word. His message of liquid love. What a description. Greater love than this has no man than to give His life... His life and forgiveness and righteousness. How Jesus expressed that love and loved them so even when they hated Him. They dont have to deserve your forgiveness, they even dont have to ask for it. Just forgive. Without strings attached. We also discussed His righteousness. He gave us the gift of Righteousness. We became legally and inherently righteousness when we accepted it. It became our life and we were justified. He called us the righteousness. The third one is that we are now the proof of His righteousness. If you want to know that God is good, look at me. What a calling. I can be impartial and just. I judge with the eyes of God. I look at what God says. Whats on Gods mind. Not who was right or wrong. We bring men into the Righteousness of God. Jesus brought to us the Righteousness of God. We live and express it, Im the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Imagine meditating on it everyday. Walking on that unconsciously. Faith becomes real. Prosperity and abundance becomes real. You dont have to wonder about prosperity message. Thats the big thing. The expression of God in me. How could I be poor, or broke or sick. Its not about giving and receiving. It will be fought into right perspective. No more arguments about right or wrong. Its the nature of God. Youre the light of the world. Youre the light of life if you follow Jesus. Set your focus on Him. As we look, we are metamorphoses. We are growing and becoming like Him. Transfigured to be like Him. Full of glory and joy. Joy unspeakable, beyond expression. You dont have enough vocabulary to express Him. Were absolved into Him, the world seem to melt away. All you see is God. The most important in your life is to love the Man Jesus with all your being. To become passionate. This is where you will begin to understand the mandate. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity (1 Timothy 2:5 - 2:7 KJV). He gave Himself a ransom for me. A message that will be preached at the right time. The right time came when the Holy Ghost came. To bear a testimony... Im a preacher and teacher. Tell it, sing it. Where unto Im ordained a cell leader, a singer, etc. its about the message and the man behind the message. The mandate is that weve been authorized and commanded to tell and preach this message. Years ago, I was driven to tell this message. They more I do, the more I love Jesus and discover something beautiful. If ye love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15 KJV). The love of Jesus became the driving force. He told me to tell the whole world of His liquid love, that He came to save them. He was crucified, died and buried and God raised Him. When they believe, they are saved. Theres no other way. Theres no other name. If you keep quiet, you dont know Hi, you don love Him. To know Him is to love Him. When you truly see Him, you will love Him and preach Him. How could a man walk away from God? Is it possible? That love should compel you. Paul of Tarsus story. Paul believe that Jesus was a deceiver and was driven to arrest all His followers. Its how to bring whats inside you that matters. All you need is to live from your inside. Be acquainted with what you have in your spirit. Understand Christ and Holy Ghost and say bye bye to the world. I see life differently. I see things differently, life take a new meaning. You live from the inside. Help people to understand this. The greatest things in life are inside you. Have you ever met people that say thai they are hot tempered. Others think that theyre strict. Thats their mindset. Its a problem. Look at this. When that woman who was chased by the mob, she ran to Jesus, not the Sadducees or Pharisees! Even sinners go to Jesus knowing that He will accept them. Can someone who has done something wrong run to you? Youre a priest of God. Youre ordained in the things pertaining to God. You can be such an extraordinary people. Youre a forgiven and a blesser, be conscious of who you are. Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Im special. I know who I am. God thinks Im special. Act that way. Ive got a message. Im authorized. Pastor preached in remote villages. Where people were so poor, so broken, smelling and dirty. Some covered with sickness and diseases. I preached and told them that Im authorized by Jesus to tell them that their sins are not counted against them. I come down from the platform and embarrassed them, even the leprous ones. For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead (2 Corinthians 5:14 KJV). The love of Jesus compels us to love. Did you know you already died? Already paid for all your sins. Strike a conversation with this strange information. When Jesus paid, you paid. He did it for you. Its not a Christmas story for children. He was born, He lived and died, raised and coming back. And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again (2 Corinthians 5:15 KJV). I dont live for myself anymore. I live for Jesus. I dont live to please myself anymore. I dont live to please myself. These are mine contemplations. These are my thoughts of the spirit. He died for me. Ive got to live for Him and be a success for Him. Ill succeed for Jesus, not for my family, friends, or community or nation. I must live for Him. Who do you want to live for? You will have to answer the question with your life someday and somehow. God will ask you someday who you died for. He purchased you with His blood. He want you to do it in love even though He owns you. Live for Jesus and be glad and proud about it. Dont be ashamed of Jesus. Dont be ashamed of your association with Jesus. Glory to God. If youve given your life to Christ, it means that He owns you. Your ambition is for Him. Whatever you want to be, have you thought about what did He make you for? Many have lived their lives for someone elses dream, never fullfing what God create them for. Nothing that you ask God He doesnt give you the answer before you ask. Thats what the bible says. There are things you must learn about hearing and acting on His word. If you dont understand this, it will not work. Moses knew the ways of God while the children of Israel knew His acts. Have the attitude about accepting the Holy Ghost they way He is. Pastors story about how he learnt how to speak in tongues. It didnt happen the first day. He let himself go and has been at it ever since. The fire of Gods spirit is stirring us up with passion, it will transport us. Let Jerusalem come to your mind. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Let Jesus come to your mind. Have that consciousness. Living with the King. Jesus attracted hatred and persecutions and anger. Its not because of you, but that thing in you. If the did it to Jesus, they will do it to you. Thank you Lord Jesus, glory, glory glory. Lift your hands and thank Him. Hes glorious.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 19:04:02 +0000

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