IDF - has started ground invasion of Gaxa! A few days earlier, - TopicsExpress


IDF - has started ground invasion of Gaxa! A few days earlier, Netanyahu had rejected any idea of a ceasefire. They even said that they didnt care what the world thought about that. Israel prefered to keep the fire going on instead of negotiations or of a ceasefire. Why did N. change his position suddenly? It certainly isnt because he cares about the rising number of Palestinian victims. He only considers how much killing is favourable or disfavourable for Israel. He wont even care about Israeli victims, only what is favourable or not. A war may go on or not according to this assessment. Its an element of Israeli assessment of the situation that the rocket fire that comes from Gaza isnt tolerable, that it creates an intolerable situation for Israel and that it justifies a war even if its a Palestinian reaction to a previous Israeli agression and even if it causes no victims. Given that, why do you complain about the how the Palestinians react? For them its intolerable to live under occupation, to live confined in a prison, having to drink dirty and contaminated water that causes cancer, suffering under malnutrition that destroy their children, having no perspectives, being subject to regular attacks from Israel, being shot at if they are in the wrong place inside Gaza and so on. For them this is intolerable. They would stop the rackets if Israel let them be free and live with dignity. Why cant Israel do that?
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 20:33:14 +0000

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