IDOMA DAY The word culture has many different meanings. For some - TopicsExpress


IDOMA DAY The word culture has many different meanings. For some it refers to an appreciation of good literature, music, art, and food. However, for anthropologists and other behavioural scientists, culture is the full range of learned human behaviour patterns. The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871. Tylor said that culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." Of course, it is not limited to men. Women possess and create it as well. Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds. Our written languages, governments, buildings, and other man-made things are merely the products of culture. In view of the foregoing, the Idoma culture is fast fading and there is need for revival. If culture is the totality way of peoples’ life, there is need for the Idoma nation to redefine her rich cultural values. Idoma Day ought to be a unifying force, avenue for cultural and harmonious display of our rich culture by the different locals that make up the Idoma Nation. It is celebrated differently in various states without harmonization. Other tribes in Nigeria who speaks in one voice are as a result of functional/harmonised events like the Idoma Day. I’m suggesting if all the councillors, Hon. Members of State and Federal Representatives, Senators, Minister (past and present), all political office holders, professionals (both at home and abroad) and all sons and daughters of Idomaland could consider the harmonization of Idoma Day and finance its activities. I suggest, It’s yearly celebrated in Och’Idoma’ Palace in Otukpo, the capital of Idoma Nation at an agreeable period of the year precisely, December when most sons and daughters of our land would be at home for Christmas celebration. More so, if the Idoma Day could be replaced with Eje Alekwu Festival, so as to culturalise everything about the Celebration. By Adejoh Joseph
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 11:14:21 +0000

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