IDPs Threaten To Sue Raila Over Incitement By Osteen - TopicsExpress


IDPs Threaten To Sue Raila Over Incitement By Osteen Njenga Tuesday 17 June 2014 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) in Nakuru County have threatened to take Cord leader Raila Odinga to court for incitement. The IDPs say the call for rallies across the country would take the country back to violence yet many of the 2007/08 post-election violence victims were yet to fully recover. Speaking to the press at a Naivasha hotel on Monday, the IDPs’ organising secretary, Martin Ndung’u, said the hate speech and incitement calls, like is happening today, are the reason the country got into chaos six years ago. “We want this to stop. Majority of the people still get nightmares following the violence that rocked the country in 2007. The number of people killed and raped keeps growing as people come out and confess what happened to them,” said Ndung’u. He added: “We fear that Cord’s agenda is to turn the countrymen against each other. We are consulting with our lawyer on the way forward in regard to the opposition’s stance.” Ndung’u accused the Cord leadership of fuelling tribalism, saying the opposition meetings always end in chaos. He added that Cord luminaries were not interested in reuniting the country as they ‘do not value peace in the country’. IDP chairman Peter Kariuki called for respect, saying the loose talk in the rallies is a recipe for chaos in the country. Hivisasa
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 08:00:00 +0000

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