IED - Improvised Explosive Device. Weve seen many a news report - TopicsExpress


IED - Improvised Explosive Device. Weve seen many a news report about these roadside bombs that have injured of killed so many of our troupes in the Middle East. A lot of them are put together with objects such as nails, ball bearings or even small rocks to cause wounds at greater distances than immediate blast-pressure alone could. They are like a land mine on steroids. Remember the land mine? Many were used in WWII in many battles. They were also very dangerous and very destructive. But whats true in physical battles is also true in the invisible realm. Deadly spiritual landmines are scattered in the path of every Christian. They cause major damage to unsuspecting believers who tread on them. One of these hidden dangers is compromise. Too often we think that one small step away from God isnt that bad - after all, we can always turn back. But the enemy is just waiting for that one step. As soon as we take it, he wins. Now he has a toehold and will redouble his efforts to draw us farther along the path of disobedience. From that point on, each step becomes easier. In short order, we are rationalizing that this really isnt sin. Compromise endangers in ways we may not realize. It breaks fellowship with God, and because weve ignored the Holy Spirit, our strength to resist temptation is weakened. Since unbelievers are quick to see hypocrisy in Christians, it also ruins our witness. Refuse to take that first step. Be careful of lifes IEDs and land mines!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 11:04:59 +0000

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