IF ANY OF THESE take aways sound compelling to you, theres still - TopicsExpress


IF ANY OF THESE take aways sound compelling to you, theres still time to register for Womanhood Weekend with Dr. Deanna Davis and me. April 25 - 27. While we can’t claim to know the unique insights or meaningful bonds you will personally gather from the Womanhood Weekend Event, we do know from experience that those come naturally and in abundance for every participant. But here’s what we CAN assure you about what you’ll take away from this one-of-a-kind event: · The Womanhood model of self-care, along with gifts of products and touchstones to help you maintain that self-care throughout the year; · Unfettered laughter (is THAT measurable?); · Tools to understand the power of positive habits and the transferability of one skill set into a new skill set; · A process to help you synthesize seemingly unrelated events in your life to make sense and to create meaning and momentum (hence the theme, “Connect the Dots”); · A personally-narrated art piece built on Mary Anne’s favorite art form: polka dots; · A practical key to transformation that takes about two minutes to practice and that can create long-term change in almost any area of your life; · A correspondence methodology that turns waiting into wonder as you connect with the people you wish to spend more time with (and the stuff to make it happen!); · An art technique that requires no art experience whatsoever that produces beautiful, quick images; · A process that will support your unique way of being while you are perplexed in decision-making conundrum; · A model to better understand the brain science and ways of being that support living the life you were born to live; · A vintage/rare way of collecting the key insights and precious lessons of your life (and the thing to keep them in!). Seriously...this isn’t the whole list but if we told you everything, how could we surprise you? Registration details at the EVENT tab at appliedinsight.net 5) Appointments with faculty and practitioners: As always, some of our amazing faculty and practitioners will be offering one-on-one sessions that you can schedule directly with them. We’ll follow up soon with a listing of options and contact information to schedule those appointments during your free time.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 17:12:36 +0000

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