IF But they all alike began to make excuses.” Luke 14:18 - TopicsExpress


IF But they all alike began to make excuses.” Luke 14:18 NIV There are two letters in the middle of the word “LIFE” that have sentenced millions to mediocrity. When a man grabs these letters, he grabs failure; when a man hobnobs with these letters, he hobnobs with an enemy called average; when a man jumps in these letters, he jumps into a well called the ne’er-do-well. These letters are “I” and “F”; when you bring them together, you will get the most dangerous word to purpose fulfillment – the word is “IF”. The only time this word makes sense is when it is being used grammatically. But when the word is being used as one’s “Life explanatives”, then that person’s epitaph will certainly read: Born, Lived discovering all the reasons for failure, died unfulfilled. During such a person’s life time he was an expert in the creation of alibis. He made judicious use of the word “IF” to tell us way he couldn’t succeed. If I had money… If I had a good health…. If I did not fear what “they” would say… If nothing happens to stop me… If I now had a chance…. If luck were not so against me… If I could get a job… If I lived in a big city… If I hadn’t failed… If I had been born rich… If only I had time… If I could marry the right person… If I hadn’t lost money… If my talents were known… If I were not so fat… If I were younger… If I were…. If I could… Ask yourself: Are you related to the “IF’s?” Sure when “IF” is your cousin then failure is your uncle. LET’S PRAY: O God deliver me from the “If’s”!. SUCCESS ACTIVITY: Whenever you find yourself making excuses instead of creating successes, just say out loud SWITCH and go on to do that which you were making excuses for. CONFESSION: I’m an achiever!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:43:58 +0000

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