IF CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE SO WERE THE SLAVE PLANTATIONS. GRANNY D FOUGHT A GOOD FIGHT! LETS NOT DROP THE BALL. What I like about Barbara Bates Smith is, she has picked up the story of a great American we all should know more about – Doris “Granny D” Haddock. Granny D, taught us Corporations are not people far before President-wanna-be Mitt Big-Money-Romney foolishly made such a claim during his 2012 campaign. Saying ‘Corporations are people’ is like saying ‘plantations are people.’ Both corporations and plantations have highly paid taskmasters with victims whose labor rights are violated through poor working conditions and unlivable wages. Like plantations, corporations allow discrimination and wage disparities which create the notion certain human beings who are supposedly working on the same ‘team’ are supreme as certain teammates are inferior or subhuman. Therefore it is impossible for something to be ‘people’ when the same thing which is said to be ‘people’ has a tendency of mistreating its ‘people’, harming its ‘people’, and violating its ‘people’. Also Granny D kept her eyes on the political trick-ball of campaign finance reform where a superrich few attempt to buy America’s ‘democracy’ and try to make us believe dollars are people. At age 90 Granny D walked a 3200-mile trail of history across America for campaign finance reform, righteously triggering the passage of the McCain-Feingold Act. She continuously pursued bipartisan reform in national voter registration drives, making her final stand for true democracy and justice in 2010 at age 100 motivated by her own profound advice of endurance - Democracy is a running game. You huddle and you go back in. You keep going. Corporations are not ‘people’; plantations are not ‘people’; money is not ‘people.’ To the contrary, these things produce the ‘root of evil’ and have long financed systemic forms of evil. All ‘people’ are not ‘evil’. Because there are those of us who will stand up and protest evil; march against evil; organize against evil; vote against evil; file lawsuits against evil; pray against evil, and with God on our side, we will endure and defeat evil as we shall ‘fear no evil!’ Like Granny D and Sister Barbara, we all must find our own purposeful way of righteously ‘raising hell’ up from where it is rooted in this country and endure to the end through our ‘good fight’ for true democracy rather than hypocrisy. According to Granny D, ‘We are never too old to raise hell!’ We are ‘never too old to raise hell’ up from the roots of big money poli-tricks. We the People must unite and rise up to reclaim the path toward true democracy. Otherwise ‘democracy’ will be robbed and sold to the highest bidder and purchased by those such as ‘We’ the Kock Brothers; purchased by ‘We’ the Art Popes; purchased by ‘We’ the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC); We the Americans For Prosperity (AFP); purchased by ‘We’ the richest one percent! WE THE PEOPLE, MUST SPEAK THROUGH THE VOICE OF UNITY AGAINST THE INVASION OF CORPORATIONS. WE THE PEOPLE MUST RISE UP IN THIS MOMENT AND LIVE OUT THE TRUE PURPOSE OF AN UNRELENTING PEOPLES MOVEMENT! NEVER LET VOICES OF THE PEOPLE BE DROWNED BY THE DOLLARS OF A FEW! A PEOPLE UNITED CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:36:14 +0000

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