IF GOD CAN DO IT FOR HIM……IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW SMALL UR SITUATION IS TODAY…..HE CAN DO IT FOR U TOO!! In 1938, while he was still in school, his main struggle was to provide food to support his family as the times were hard. His nation was under threat of war, and he just wasn’t earning enough. But he had an idea, a dream that he had nursed for sometime. He wanted to make some money by making piston rings and sellin them to the Toyota Motor Company…he wanted to sell it to the big car manufacturer that was gaining ground…. He pulled all his small resources and bought a small workshop where he worked day and night deep covered in grease to his elbows to bring out his design of the piston… Before long all his savings was gone and he had nothing to show for it, he had to sell his wife’s little jewellery, a reminder of what he gave her for their wedding, just to stay in business…..it was then he was able to finish his piston rings But on taking it to Toyota, he was met with a heavy disappointment as the company refused to accept it… Toyota didn’t see how this lowly man’s design could meet the standard of their engineers… he was forced to go back to school again with his design, and there he was met with laughter and scorn from his instructors and fellow students who called his work absurd… .but even after his design was described as absurd he did not give up but instead went back to work with a greater zeal… ..after two hard years of learning he brought out another design….this time Toyota accepted it…and he was soon making pistons for sale …he wanted to build a workshop for making his pistons having gotten the Toyota contract….but war was on and the government denied him the concrete he needed to build the factory …..but not to be defeated…he gathered some young men in the street and together they made their own concrete… ..but the war came with more calamity for him as his factory was set on fire twice…he was back down to zero again… .but rather than to be depressed over the destruction wrecked on his factory, he rushed out in the street to be gathering extra the gasoline cans that the enemy fighter planes threw after bombing the city and he started using them as raw material for a new factory….. But then an earthquake came to wipe his dream away…and out to the street he found himself again ….he was forced to sell what remained of his piston ring factory, just to stay alive … He started using his little car, as a taxi to feed his family …but it was 1947 and the country was facing a severe gasoline shortage because of the war and soon he could not even afford to use the car to look for food for his family… In desperation - poor and dejected - he turned to using his bicycle to raising a living….but his strength was getting weaker from the long rides he needed to do daily on the bike …and so he got an idea and attached a small motor that he made to the wheel of the bicycle to help him power it…the motor uses so little fuel and was highly economical to him … a neighbor saw him riding the bicycle with the motor and got excited and asked for one……then another neighbor…..then another…..and another and before long other people started coming for his motorized bicycles… until he ran out of motors to give out… ….from then he went into manufacturing of bicycle motors for more people…and before long he decided to have a factory for manufacturing bicycle motors…….. But even the little fuel needed to power the bicycle motors soon got stopped as the government went on to issue a law limiting the use of gasoline… gasoline was to be used only on the war effort….but he refused to give up! He went on to squeezing pine resin and mix it with little gasoline to hide its smell… He wanted to have a motor bike factory so as to make bicycles that would fit on his motors, but he had no capital… ..he wrote to 18,000 bicycle owners, each individually, to advance him with a loan….but only 5,000 agreed to advance him the loan… .a further disaster happened when his first motorbikes came out and only a handful of his customers wanted them as they were seen to be too big!... ...but that failure didn’t kill his dream …he kept the dream locked in his heart…. he decided to make a smaller version and lighter version of his motorbike and develop what he called the Honda Cub…the Honda cub became very popular and sales soon skyrocketed and before long he began to export to Europe and America… the super cubs where to be followed by the version of his small version of bikes, he did not stop there as from bicycle motors he moved to car automobile ……I know you know him by now, the world know his name, and has seen his products in every nation on earth… I know u might not have met him but u know what Honda is today in the world…..even if u ave never driven any of his cars Soichiro Honda is a great success to everyone….but that is not what he sees himself…he said “what people see as my success is only one percent. What they are not seeing is ninety nine percent of me which is failure”…… And today I don’t the stage u are in life, I don’t know if u have a dream to be someone great, to utilize the great hidden gift in u…to bring out a great product to the world….or maybe to be someone of success in sometin u want to do in life…..maybe nobody even agress wit u or takes u serious now I don’t know who is calling ur idea absurd like Soichiro Honda was called, or what problems you are facing along the way… .I dont know if u are facing discouragement from friends and loved ones or havin a string of big problems just like Soichiro Honda …I don’t know if ur problems are that disappointment and setbacks like Soichiro Honda ...but I know notin can stop u from reachin ur goal when u persevere, ….notin can stop u when u know that whenever u ave a great dream…disappointment will meet u along the ..way……failure will hit u along the way…..setback will visit u along the way… but these are nothing but a great step to a big breakthrough in life,… .never fear the problems you will meet in life, everythin u are destined to become in life will only come through your willingness to confront the problems you meet along the way … if u can persevere and keep moving, if u can still move on despite all the failure and disappointments u are facin now, u will surely achieve a success greater than u ave ever imagined in ur life …..when pay the price… ..becos u persever despite all odds, u ave paid the price for God to invest in ur dream…..and when God starts to invest in ur dream new opportunities will meet u along the way…new ideas will come to u along the way, …new and greater energy will empower ur vision along the way…and it all be cominn to u because God is investing in ur dream… just because u didn’t succeed in the past it does not mean u are not going to succeed in the future…just because u failed in minor tasks in the past does not mean u are not going to succeed in great tasks tomorrow….as long as u can keep movin on despite all that may come ur way…God will be there waitin for u wit wat ur effort can ever achieve becos He will be investin in ur dream when He sees u trustin Him in the midst of ur challenges In life most people know what to do…..but few really take time to do it………its not that some people become great because they know what to do more than others….but it is rather they become great because they do what they know how to do…..anybody can be anytin as long as he is ready to do wat he knows he can do It is mostly fear….fear of leavin our comfort zone..fear of shame of failure….fear of disappointments….fear of wat the next man will say….fear of the work involved….it isll these fear that keeps most people stagnated in life, and they fail to do all that God has equipped them to do in life Think of anytin u would have done if u ave no fear….and there u ave wat fear is denyin u from becoming in life
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 18:53:35 +0000

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