IF OUR JOY AND PEACE ARE DEPENDENT UPON a circumstance, or him, - TopicsExpress


IF OUR JOY AND PEACE ARE DEPENDENT UPON a circumstance, or him, her, or others CHANGING— then forget it! They may never change! So get used to the rest of your life being mercilessly sabotaged by circumstances, or by him, or her, or them! And remember, if we do not leave this destructive path of living— it is quite likely that our physical and emotional wellbeing/health will also increasingly suffer.THERE IS A BETTER WAY TO DEAL WITH LIFE. This way is NOT MUCH TRAVELED! Nevertheless, there are a few pilgrims on this path; and when you find them— they have peace, joy, love, happiness, contentment, hope, and much more. In fact, they may be in the midst of life that is filled with serious trials, tribulations, sickness, slander, and/or persecutions. And yet, they are calm, peaceful, loving, and even rejoicing. THEY KNOW A SECRET— A SECRET THAT FLOWS FROM GRACE! This grand secret overflows from being genuinely BORN OF GOD. AN EXAMPLE: In a work setting, the true and living God used an unnamed individual to introduce Ed to the LORD Jesus Christ. Ed testified, “From the day I became a Christian I poured my life into learning what the Word of God had to say to me as a husband and father, then putting it into practice as best I knew how.” Ed further stated that his wife and daughters were UNRESPONSIVE both to the gospel and to him. For TWO LONG YEARS he only received REJECTION. However, because the Holy Spirit was residing IN HIM and he was obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit— in spite of his difficult circumstances, Ed was more and more DRIVEN into the Word of God. And, of course, God revealed to Ed that he was to LOVE HIS WIFE in the way that JESUS loved him. Ed testified that the rejection he constantly received from his wife was hard to take. Frankly, he did not FEEL LIKE loving his wife. HOWEVER, OUT OF OBEDIENCE TO GOD, Ed walked all over his feelings (Feelings from a ‘wounded’ heart that was screaming from his UNMET rights and expectations!) AND SO HE diligently sought to love his wife in the same manner as Jesus loved him. Ed testified, that his obedience became PLEASURE; and that his obedience took on the BRIGHT COLORS OF JOY! (Ed, is Dr. Ed Wheat, author of Love Life for Every Married Couple!) His testimony reveals the TRANSFORMING POWER OF GOD’S GRACE in the redeemed when the indwelling Holy Spirit is not grieved nor quenched. THE CALL OF GOD to salvation results in daily Christian living because of an infusion of divine life (Romans 5:5) by the Holy Spirit! Our new master passion becomes as Paul’s own testimony: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20) Thus, by the grace of God we HEAR (Receive and act upon) the call of JESUS: “Deny yourselves, take up your cross daily, and follow Me!” (Luke 9:23) We Experience TRIPLE CRUCIFIXION: 1. Christ was crucified in our place— ONCE and for all, fully paying our sin debt! 2. We are CRUCIFIED— even as stated in Galatians 2:2O and in Galatians 5:24! 3. The world crucified to us and we to the world— as stated in Galatians 6:14! In another place, Paul testifies, “I die daily!” Again, Jesus calls His followers to, ‘Deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Me!” In Christ, we are DEAD to sin’s dominion— Romans 6:14-22! THE RESULT IS THAT the normal OVERFLOW of such salvation MIRACLES is that we are motivated by the mercies of God (Romans 12:1-2) and empowered to die to rights and expectations! The HOLY SPIRIT, as it were, moves us to build an altar and lay all our rights and expectations there. THE HOLY SPIRIT moves and empowers us to fully embrace our God-given responsibilities— all as acts of worship to Christ! {Jesus is always worthy that we so honor Him and walk in His steps!} And so, regardless of what happens and regardless of what he or she or them do— these ‘secret-finding-souls’ are at peace, even anointed with joy! They avoid becoming traumatized victims. By yielding to and drawing from the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, these dear saints walk IN THE STEPS of Jesus.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 11:19:58 +0000

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