IF REWARDING ILLEGAL INVASION IS HUMANITARIAN AND CHRIST-LIKE, I MUST BE THE DEVIL INCARNATE Helping poor people in need is one thing... Rewarding illegal alien invasion is another. I have watched as Glenn Beck and other bleeding hearts talk about plans to reach out and come to the aid of the poor little illegal aliens crossing our borders by the thousands. Its his money.. he can spend it how he wants.... but once those kids take up entitlement residency here because bleeding hearts were so nice to provide them with everything they could ever want and need, its MY MONEY that has to pay for their care. Now it becomes my business and I dont believe in rewarding ANY KIND OF ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, THE AGE OF THE OFFENDERS IS NOT RELEVANT. In America, history has proven that rewarding bad behavior only increases that behavior and the numbers who engage in it.. Welfare is a perfect example.... paying women to have more babies without a husband... The response:.... an epidemic of women without husbands breeding like rabbits.. More kids, more money for them. Whos paying for that? I am. Who is going to pay for all of these people coming over the border? I am... and I am mad as hell about it. Welfare was never meant to be a way of life.. Yet.. that is exactly what it has become, creating a vicious cycle of slavery to a government that REWARDS BAD BEHAVIOR. For those humanitarians who say, but what about all of the violence and crime those poor children are trying to escape? You want to know about a place of violence and crime that children need to escape? Look no further than our own country.. places like Chicago. 82 shot, 16 dead just over the past weekend. What about the poor children in that city? Gang violence, poverty, horrendous living conditions... You want to be a nice little Christian and help? Weve got it all right here in the good old USA in Chicago, Detroit, DC... You want to be Christ-like and humanitarian by helping poor little innocent children escape poverty, violence and horrendous living conditions, Get busy... GO HELP THOSE inner city, law abiding, american born KIDS... ©2014 JAN MORGAN Read more from Jan Morgan on this issue in her latest article at this link: janmorganmedia/2014/07/crisis-poor-foreign-children-americas-poor-abused-kids/#zZsUZuORb8ju4vg4.01 Jared Vallorani, Kent Thelen, Armstrong Williams, Armstrong Williams, Brandon Vallorani, Doug Giles, Glenn Beck, Mike Marshall, Gary Graham, Rick Light,
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 01:25:58 +0000

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