IF THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION IS TRUE, THEN WHY DONT WE SEE SUPPORTING EVIDENCE OF THE THEORY? I have asked this question myself. Ive confronted university-educated intellects who bristle and fume at the very thought of someone daring to question the widely accepted explanation of the origin of man and his progressive evolution. Well...(ahem!...) Let me put this simply, ….. [In my mind, Im thinking that this person believes Im an ignorant individual.] ….uh ... the process of evolution takes thousands, even millions of years to develop . . . I respond, Yes, I know. Now, [I mimic him to get his attention.] … uh ... through the process of analytic analysis of the evolutionary hypotheses, I intellectually discerned that currently there should be at least one or two physical representations of the proposed theory. I SIMPLY ask for scientific evidence to support the assumed facts. (Ahem!) Now, theres a misnomer. The laws of science demand supporting evidence for any hypothesis, but there is NO physical evidence to support the THEORY of evolution - only so-called logic which is not necessarily fact! That theory takes too much faith to believe. I simply believe that God made us all!” I believe the simple fact that Creator/God placed mankind on the earth and lovingly cares for these individuals by providing life-sustaining resources at their disposal. Gods loving care is further supported by tangible, physical evidence of transformed individuals who have born again and walk in the footsteps of their Savior. They have been changed from the old nature and NOW look, talk and act differently. They quit their miserable habits that supported the desires of their former god of choice and now walk according to the lifestyle demanded of the true, living God. Now that is the simple truth. God created mankind in His eternal likeness, but we turned away from Him and went our own way. We then created a god in our likeness and worshiped this false god. True Creator/God demanded a penalty for our transgression against Him (sin). That penalty is death – not just a physical death, but eternal separation of the eternal spirit man: separation from God. There remained a God-shaped vacuum in each person who did not return to the Creator. There was an emptiness, which could not be filled with anything but God Himself. A re-creation or regeneration was needed. So, Omnipresent God stooped down to earth and placed himself in the Person of Baby Jesus. This child grew in favor with God and man. He walked among us for thirty-three and half years and showed us, by example, how we should live according to Gods law. Then He paid the debt of our sin. He took on Himself the penalty of sin. He died that we might live. Now, by the extended grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, we have salvation and new life which is real and abundant. We receive Him by confessing with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, and acknowledge Him personally as our Lord and Savior. HAVE YOU CONFESSED JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR? IF NOT, PLEASE MESSAGE ME. ID LOVE TO CHAT WITH YOU. Anyone (Christians and non-Christians) may join my group Christian Sharing. Please search on “FB search” , then click on “Join Group”.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:54:07 +0000

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