IF THERE WAS A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE... If the central Govt. takes effective steps to curb the inflow of unaccounted money from various sources in India and abroad to political/religious leaders and other anti social elements, there wont be any communal clashes, riots, march or anything of the sort, which will be harmful for the peaceful life of ordinary people. There are hundreds of thousands of rich people in our country who do not know what they should do with the money they have accumulated illegally, resulting in finding ways to spend it which can be harmful to the society. At he same time, there are thousands and thousands of poor people in our society who cannot even afford to fill their stomach once in a day, forget about their worst living conditions. Politics is supposed to be a job to serve the people of the nation for their progress, prosperity and well-being whereas now a days it is considered as the best business for making money, both legally and illegally, with power and influence. When politicians become corrupt like that, there will be a parallel mafia grown to control the political leadership and the Government and ultimately the people and we have been victims of such evils all these years. Here in Kerala, This is what we experienced in Solar, Plus Two, 418 Bars, Aranmula Airport and so on. We have seen that entire Government machinery together with ministers, party leadership, opposition, judiciary etc. wasted many many productive hours for several months to argue, defend and settle these issues which could have been avoided and utilized for solving the burning issues of the state and its people, if there was a Government that works for the welfare of the people. Here, the fun is that even after the official declaration of the liquor policy by the Chief Minister, we are seeing the attacks and counter attacks of the leaders within the ruling party and its Government where we understand that it is not done for the welfare of the people or as the duty of a democratic government, but to win the battle only for defeating somebody for mere survival and supremacy. Here again there is a loophole for winning a legal battle by the bar owners of the yet to be closed 312 bars, which has never been in the picture till the moment it was announced by the Chief Minister.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 13:37:06 +0000

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