IF THIS IS NOT HATRED THEN WHAT IS IT?? HOW CAN ONE DEFEND A TYRANT? It seems common sense is not common any more and few people have the courage to speak out against lies.. If you really want to see how much the Shia hate the Ahlul Sunnah..Look at their support for Assad..and I am not talking of Iranian Shia but rather the Shia in South Africa who speak Rubbish that this was a plot to destabilize Syria...Some so called intellectuals at our universities say Assad and Syrian army are brave..and usual rubbish lies of Palestine that they the Iranians and Shia just wish to liberate Al Quds...But if we analyze the situation..2000 Palestinians have died..mainly because of Assads bombs..250 000 have lost their homes again...Thousands are starving in the siege of Yarmouk...and then these LIARS have the nerve to say the Shia just desire to liberate Al Quds..By Supporting death of Palestinians in Syria!!!!?? So Human loss of life is just collateral damage??.....So you want to liberate Palestine but support the murderer of Palestinians?? More importantly for 3 years the civil war has gone on..THE ENTIRE WORLD knows of Assads atrocities through the use of his air force....Do the rebels have bombers and Jets??.The united Nations say this monster is guilty of war crimes against his own people...So for 3 years these people dont know whats happening in Syria, that is why they support this monster?? Really???....and the thousands of videos proving this monsters atrocities are lies and fabrications...thousands of videos of cities that could have only been destroyed by shelling just nonsense...the people who visited Syria to see the situation are liars..the Statements they took from Syrian refugees are lies and a plot by refugees to undermine Assad and promote Zionism.?? Really??? We can deduce this is nothing but utter nonsense on the part of those who support Assad... it is because of their hate ....You would have to be an evil merciless person to defend the Pig Assad
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 22:07:38 +0000

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