IF THIS WASNT SO SAD IT WOULD BE A COMEDY OF ERRORS!! CONSTITUTION...the system of beliefs and laws by which a HUMAN ( not a country), governs themselves. Law means not one is to threaten anyone in any way to serve themselves and harm another. But even more important you who are being threatened are to arrest and restore the situation upholding the Constitution when you know you are being threatened. And....through these ideas which the whole of humanity as allowed into being the LAW out of fear of them not one of us is upholding the Constitution. Most have no idea what the Constitution is or what it is for. Perhaps because it conveys the responsibilities of humanity not just the NSA. Many believe the Constitution is different in their country instead of realizing that this one misconception is what allows people not countries to go into other peoples lands and kill and murder the people. We can not believe that we are different that the life preserving laws that apply to us are different than they are for others and have peace in this world. I cant believe the countless Americans I have tried to talk to who tell me their CONSTITUTION...the system of beliefs and laws by which a HUMAN ( not a country), governs themselves. Constitution is different than the Constitution of Canada. And now I have learned Canadians believe their Constitution is different than the United States also. Everyone says there is only one true Law which is Common Law, the Law that applies to the people not the land you stand on. Yet believe the law is different for each other. Where is this confusion coming from? Well we have this little group of self-appointed authorities we call Government, which are actually just men and women who put their heads together and created the word legal. The only thing that makes something legal is your consent. So the self- appointed brainstormed and came up with all kinds of ideas for making money for themselves, like you have to have licences to marry someone, drive your car, insurance in case you dont die tomorrow you need to pay them if you have an accident not just repair the damage, and oh lets give them a piece of paper with what they think is their name on it and pretend they are dead and use the name to steal all of their natural borne inheritance... meaning money, currency, value, their SHARE of all the abundance in the world. There property, the water, the land make them believe WE OWN EVERYTHING INCLUDING THEM, just dont tell them this. Lets hold them in debt to us their whole lives and we will be in bliss. Now here is the kicker, legal is not lawful, it is a word used to make their ideas sound legal for them to force their ideas upon you because you are afraid of them forcing you into a jail cell. So you do what they tell you instead of adhering to the Constitution. This little group of thieves call their ideas legal because the word sounds like lawful doesnt it? In order to make money for themselves off of YOU lets see statutes, codes, color of law, legalese, Maritime Law, which is a cover word for Martial Law that you fear they are going to inflict upon you, when you have been living by Martial Law, their law, their ideas all along out fear and cowardice, not even realizing it, plus not correcting even yourselves little lone them. Realizing that their is no such thing as Martial Law cause it means force and the real LAW which IS THE CONSTITUTION says you are not to force, or harm another person or their property. CONSTITUTION...the system of beliefs and laws by which a HUMAN ( not a country), governs themselves. Law means not one is to threaten anyone in any way to serve themselves and harm another. But even more important you who are being threatened are to arrest and restore the situation upholding the Constitution when you know you are being threatened. And....through these ideas which the whole of humanity as allowed into being the LAW out of fear of them not one of us is upholding the Constitution we say we believe to be the LAW. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/t1/196148_10151926953552203_327213810_n.png
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 18:41:09 +0000

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