IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY #November_18 and your Zodiac Sign is - TopicsExpress


IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY #November_18 and your Zodiac Sign is Scorpio You have spent long enough thinking and planning – now you must get practical and find ways to make your dreams come true. Saturn’s influence on your birthday will help you keep your feet on the ground – and put cash in your wallet too. Birthday Persona Profile People born specifically on the 18th of November are presumed to be rather calm, collected and diligent with the usual charming, interesting Scorpio temperament. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mars gracing you with an active creative imagination, plenty of determination and a strong intolerance of injustice. If you have this birthday your sharply intuitive nature is willful, energetic and productive with a tendency to thrive on challenges. You like nothing more than to win a debate or argument but you can be quite stubborn and impersonal if you do not get your way or are proved wrong. You are naturally brave, selfless and understanding with the likelihood to not be afraid of anything or anyone. Individuals with a November the eighteenth birthday are shrewd and ambitious yet emotionally a little sensitive with slight insecurities that can cause occasional attention seeking. You are ordinarily incredibly perceptive making you especially adept at picking up unspoken words or repressed feelings. Work and Finances The calmness, diligence and perceptiveness common to a person born on the eighteenth of November makes them suitable to many different jobs. Your fondness of a challenge and making important decisions is coupled with a dislike of working behind the scenes. An ideal occupation will accommodate all your personal preferences and provide a sense of satisfaction and productiveness. You tend to be careful with money in addition to being highly unlikely to give others control of your finances. Despite this mindful approach you may once in a while make surprisingly bold moves in order to take advantage of a seemingly favorable financial investments. Personal Relationships For a Scorpio, the person born on the eighteenth day of November is typically not really in to shallow short relationships and will need a meaningful love partnership. You seem to seek a partner who shares similar interests and views with the capability to cope with your ambitiousness, energy and the intensity and sensitivity of your emotions. In return you are likely to be a caring, compassionate and devoted soul mate that sometimes is a tad overly protective of a loved one. You will usually insist on loyalty and respect but you are not as expecting of perfection from your other half as the majority of your zodiac sign. Full of passion you often prefer to lead in lovemaking but a deeply involved emotion bond has more importance than physical attraction. You have a proneness to become very temperamental, resentful and intensely jealous if insecure and find it almost impossible to forgive unfaithfulness. Health The energized spirited zest for life you possess can greatly assist the usual good health experienced by those born on November 18th. As you tend to be constantly on the go and adore your food balancing your calorie intake with your high level of activity is often essential to prevent unwanted weight gain. Getting to really know yourself and your limits is usually the best way to preserve overall healthiness. Pacing yourself effectively will help keep fatigue and moodiness to a minimum. People born on this day could discover that excesses of sugar or caffeine may be detrimental to both your normal concentration power and skin condition. Strengths and Weaknesses Your main strengths of character are exposed in your sociable charm and appealing composure and serenity. These positive fortes along with your enhanced intuition, spirit and vigor act as excellent guides for choosing favorable paths in life. The personality weaknesses for those born on November 18th are usually activated by a feeling of anger following an unexpected event or upset. In these particular negative circumstances and occasions your underlying obstinate unfriendly stance will probably surface on the outside. On the inside your emotional responses can consist of the displaying of either a weepy needy or grumpy tempestuous manner. Dreams and Goals Being born on the 18th of November means you are exceedingly enterprising with a liking for goal orientated techniques when it comes to achievement. You are willing to endure hardship or make sacrifices on a quest to achieve something really worthwhile. Generally tough and enduring it is rare for you to easily give up on a desired aspiration. Dreams are inclined to focus on your ambitious side and they can bring you lots of inspiration and hope for the future. Birthday Luck and Significance As you were born on the eighteenth day of the month the one and eight in your birth date adds up to a Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword Seeker identifying your love of debating and finding the truth plus your natural inclination for fairness and balance. In Tarot the 18th card in the mystic Major Arcana illustrating the Moon is associated with your birthday. This highlights your ample empathy and insight but also your overreactions to negativity. The luckiest gem for November the eighteenth birthdays is imagined to be a Bloodstone, to be worn for the probable further enhancement of your psychic senses. Summation The probabilities of all zodiacal Scorpion personalities are thought to be astrologically shaped by the influential planet Pluto. The actual day you were born on, the eighteenth of November is ruled over by Marss power. These 2 planets combined influences are presumed to determine your predicted originality. Your unselfish and attentive perseverance and collectedness grant you the courage and dedication to accomplish much in life. Your considerate judgment and responsive awareness emphasize the softer part of your disposition. If you can aim to be more prepared for disappointing refusals or disapprovals every now and then your mood should to brighter and stabler. A concluding advisory thought for people born on November the 18th is to go with the flow, watch out for opportunities and never doubt your inner feelings. #hapi_earthday!!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:41:09 +0000

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