IF YOU ARE CELEBRATING INDEPENDENCE DAY, take a second and read - TopicsExpress


IF YOU ARE CELEBRATING INDEPENDENCE DAY, take a second and read what I have to say. Everything you think you know about America is dead wrong. You mindlessly salute and spinelessly obey. Your worth as an American is as a consumer, underpaid laborers (plantation style) and as war fodder...and you are proud? Then Yeshua said to him, “Return the sword to its place, for all of those who take up swords will die by swords. Matt. 26:52 Victory breeds hatred, for the conquered is unhappy. He who has given up both victory and defeat, he, the contented, is happy. Dhammapada, Chapter 15, verse 201 What are you proud of, America? What freedoms have we retained when we are subject to electronic search and seizure at will, when the altruistic tendency of society has been suffocated, when wars for profit terrorize the entire world? In a system where elections are rigged, where the rich can buy laws and the downtrodden are silenced in the name of a free market (which is the only real freedom we have gained- and the free market is nothing but a false god to some). What are we to be proud of, in a world where the workers, the backbone of society, are oppressed by faceless corporations, and we are told this is the way, this is normal, shut up and deal with it like everyone else.... Does anyone really even understand the founding of America? Or am I truly surrounded by fools? He who walks in the company of fools suffers a long way; company with fools, as with an enemy, is always painful; company with the wise is pleasure, like meeting with kinsfolk. Dhammapada, Chapter 15, Verse 207 We started as an Imperial colony on a land already inhabited, and slaughtered, literally slaughtered, the majority of those inhabitants, and forced the rest into integration or submission. This we disgustingly celebrate by gluttonously gorging ourselves on Thanksgiving...what is wrong with you, you brainwashed SOBs?? Then we fought for our independence- and what started that? High taxes, you say? Wrong! Taxation without representation was spoken out about yes, but we wanted representation because the taxes were due to the East India Tea Company. Yes, the Boston Tea Party was against the monopolistic machinations of...a multinational corporation! Lets trace why... First, Britain placed a tax of I believe 25% on all tea, including colonies. This was to be paid by the company, but resulted in the company raising prices of tea in the Colonies to offset the tax (so essentially the tax average colonists had to pay was really just passed on to them by a large corporation, for Profit is God to Corporations). Parliament then passed laws forbidding the purchase of any tea EXCEPT for the East India Companys tea, due to this corporations parasitic control over British parliament (sound familiar to the recent state of affairs?). However, when the colonies bought smuggled Dutch tea anyway, the British government went even further and first lowered the tea tax on tea sold in Britain, leaving it only to be paid for colonial tea; and then on top of that, the government reimbursed the 25% tax to the East India Company, however the colonists continued to be charged the extra. So the Tea Party was literally a result of anger towards a corporation, and the government that aided and abetted was controlled by this corporation. After the bloody revolution on soil that wasnt even ours against Money Powers, and after the writing of the Bill of Rights, we decided those rights only apply to one race and one gender...and we enslaved an entire race of people, and used them to build our great nation. The Great and Holy system we call Capitalism was literally built on slavery, and it still is, both upon the backs of Third World slaves in the puppet states we have economically conquered (and many times militarily conquered), and upon our own soil in the form of plantation-style underpaid workers who cannot even live on the wages they are given (even the slaves were given food and shelter- we are lucky to afford that on our slave-wages. It is slavery in a new and camouflaged form). Capitalism CANNOT stand on its own, it must rely on the blood, sweat, and tears of the workers, they must be underpaid and oppressed or else there are no profits...this is why prop it up they might, Capitalism always collapses, it is built to collapse under its own weight, it is in its very nature...yet the Beast who was slain yet lives, and all inhabitants of the Earth worship it... To this day, our freedoms are challenged daily, our rights have become privileges, and America covers the world in blood and fire, in the name of profit and capitalism. What are you proud of, America? WAKE UP, America, for your American Dream has become a NIGHTMARE. Rome was also subject to corruption, war profiteering, and economic disparity....where did it lead? Down below in the comments, I will post a few informative videos....wish I could share more, I wanted to be more prepared....there is so much to say.... Let go of your programming. Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. Mark 10:21
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:55:21 +0000

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