IF YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH MY SISTER, YOU MAY HAVE ALREADY SEEN THIS MESSAGE I POSTED ON HER FB YESTERDAY. SINCE MANY OF MY FRIENDS ARE FOLLOWING HER JOURNEY WITH LOVE AND CONCERN, TOO, HERES OUR UPDATE... Phoebe has been so fabulous about keeping everyone up to date about her life during the past year, and I want to share some information about where we are now. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity and birthday celebration in Los Angeles and Santa Fe. Phoebe was able to be with and be celebrated by friends and loved ones from around the country, and her heart is so full. Its no surprise to us that all this activity has taken its toll, and she is now really exhausted. Shes spending lots of time sleeping comfortably, and still enjoys tasty bites and sips of this and that. We dont know if this is a fatigue from which she will bounce back, or if this indicates a new phase on her journey. Only time will tell, and none of us ever rules Phoebe out! Shes not up to receiving calls or visitors at this time, and even texts may awaken her from a nap. If you want to drop a note, she is at our home: 1236 Vallecita Drive Santa Fe, NM 87501 You can also post here and Ill make sure she gets your message. Please keep her in your prayers and continue sending the love and light in your hearts. Thanks for your love and support of all of us. Honey PS We don’t need flowers. Thanks.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 14:51:56 +0000

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